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Restoring DE Razors???

I just acquired another Gillette Slim from my uncle's dad. It's in pretty good shape but it can use some work. Is there any stores or companies that restore these little machines back to new?
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What exactly is wrong with it? If it functions fine, you can clean it up yourself with some cleaner and then polishing it. Let me know.
There is bronzing on the top besides that its fine. I polished it with a spinning toothbrush and scrubbing bubbles.
As far as the bronzing, your best bet (and it is probably expensive, I don't know for sure) is to get it plated. However, the scrubbing bubbles is good for cleaning it out. I would polish it with some MAAS.

Works wonders.
Replating is about 15 to 20 bucks I believe. About 2 or 3 times the cost of Maas, so it really isn't all that bad
There is bronzing on the top besides that its fine. I polished it with a spinning toothbrush and scrubbing bubbles.

I wouldn't use a spinning toothbrush on a razor, especially on the shiny door surfaces. You'll end up adding fine scratches to the surface. The Scrubbing Bubbles are a good cleaner to remove soap scum and other dirt but it's not a polish like Maas. You must also be careful when using Maas so you don't remove the plating. I personally wouldn't replate any of my razors unless it could be used on one of Bob's handles. Even with bronzing I would shave with the razor as is. I have three or four razors in my rotation that have plating loss and it doesn't affect my shaves one bit. My permanent collection is another story.

Well it's a bit hard to determine their location when they don't fill in the profile page or tell us otherwise.
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