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Restoration Questions

I have two brushes that I'm in the process of restoring. The first is a rubber set Fuller Brush. Getting the bristles out, along with the evil black stuff that held it in, was a pain in the keester. I've read enough horror stories on this forum to know better than to rush it, so I just put on a good movie and patiently worked with pliers and a knife to get everything out. My question for this brush is, how do I get the black rubber part to really pop? The scratches and oxidization are gone, but I'm looking for a mirror shine like I used to get when I spit shined my boots.

The second brush came with an Old Spice shaving mug. It doesn't have any kind of markings on it, but I've seen enough of them with the mug to assume they were a set. My question for this brush is, when I cut off the bristles there is this white, almost calcified stuff right under the bristles. It's kind of a dome shape and is very close to the top of the rubber part. What do I do this white stuff?

Thanks in advance for your advice,



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The white stuff is likely plaster or some form of a binding agent, just drill it out. +1 on Big_OC's recommendation of Macguires PlastX
Thanks for the input. The Meguires was awesome! I went ahead and drilled the other brush. The white stuff turned out to be some kind of plastic. It's amazing what you find holding the bristles of an old brush. I have a knot from Larry Andros (Whipped Dog) that should be here Monday or Tuesday. I'll post some pictures after I get the brush finished.
Thanks for the input. The Meguires was awesome! I went ahead and drilled the other brush. The white stuff turned out to be some kind of plastic. It's amazing what you find holding the bristles of an old brush. I have a knot from Larry Andros (Whipped Dog) that should be here Monday or Tuesday. I'll post some pictures after I get the brush finished.

Can't wait to see it!!
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