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Restoration Question for an SE Razor

First, allow me to apologize for posting this in the straight razor area, but this is the only subforum I could find that covers restorations of any kind.

I recently came across a cosmetically beautiful Wester Bros Safety razor that takes wedge blades. The problem I found is that one of the blade stops is mostly broken off... not completely, but enough to make me nervous with the blade in it. Is anyone skilled enough in metalwork to be able to help me get the stop put back into place? Although the blade looks to be in poor condition, I actually have several wedge blades for it.

I appreciate any assistance or direction.

Good Shaving!


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
You might want to try a jewelry store. They might be able to braze it back on, depending on how it broke off.
Do you know what its made of? Brass, steel? There are some low temp bearing and silver solders that would be good. Are we talking about the tabs on the right and left in the center of the blade or the small tabs down at the corners.

Even with low temp stuff the finish would probably get messed up in the immediate area.
Do you know what its made of? Brass, steel? There are some low temp bearing and silver solders that would be good. Are we talking about the tabs on the right and left in the center of the blade or the small tabs down at the corners.

Even with low temp stuff the finish would probably get messed up in the immediate area.
I believe the razor's body is made of brass. It's one of the small tabs on the bottom that broke off.
If its brass a new piece could be soldered on but then youre looking at messing up the finish, dont know what a replacement part would cost, what the razors worth? Is it worth fixing?

Basically for a "proper" repair, clean up the immediate area, remove the old finish, solder on a new oversized piece of brass, dress down to match the opposite side, re-finish...
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