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Request for Gillette Repair Serial Numbers ...

In another thread, the issue of the commonness of the repair serial numbers came up. For those that don't know, the repair serial number is prefixed with an "L." Just out of curiosity, I would be interested in seeing some information from others regarding which of their razors have it. It seems like I've seen them most commonly on ABC (American Button Company) sets. But I could be making that up. So, if you have a razor with a repair date code, could I trouble you to post some information about it? I'm looking for the particular model of razor (i.e. Old Type Pocket Edition, Single Ring, ABC, Bulldog, etc.) as well as the year it was made (if you include the serial number itself, great, but if not, don't worry) and the repair code itself.

Also, there are some razors that have a "G" inside of a "D." This mark is also believed to denote a razor returned for some sort of repair work. If you have one of these, please include it as well.

To start us off, I have one:

A 1911 (C2869) ABC Shell razor with one ring - Repair code L86377
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Here are mine, Brian.

1911 ABC Empire B861092 L96946
1911 ABC Flower B807805 L61890

I believe at some point Gillette repair coded the razor with the G inside a D. You may want to add those to your list as well. I've only seen them on Single Rings. I don't have one though.

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Good call, Len. Let's also include the ones with the "G" inside of a "D."

I don't have any of those to add to the list.
So, what's up with the 1911 ABC razors? Each one listed so far has been from 1911. It's too soon for a pattern, but interesting that all four so far are 1911 ABC razors.

And I'm not sure wether the "L" prefix numbers for repairs are sequentially numbered, but I would certainly assume so.
Well this didn't do any good:

Google search: gillette recalls 1911 ABC razors

If you assume that these items were rejected by the factory's QA process and assume the L number is serial, then using my numbers (being the newer set), I get an 11% reject rate (rate is probably the wrong word here).

I don't have my set with me at work - wish I did - but I would guess the reject was over plating. The stamped repair numbers have plating inside of them (if I recall correctly) so they were certainly stamped and then replated.

I also guess plating because if it were a mechanical defect, they would have to have tossed the unit, being such simple things. There must of been something different about the ABC manufacturing plating line. Wonder were they were made and if it were in the same factory as other Single Rings?

My two razors were not replated. The stamping is very sharp and the cuts have brass showing and some green oxidation. Plating after stamping would mostly fill in the stamp. I can see this clearly with a 20X loupe.

The American Button Company was located in Newark, New Jersey. They would not have made Single Ring Gillette razors there.

jeesh. You guys.

I'm sitting here, listening to some tunes, contemplating what I might gonna have for lunch, maybe make a pot of coffee (UPS just delivered 10 lbs. of Uprising! from Dean's Beans); sneakin' round B&B, itching at some mosquito bites... and then this thread gets me out of my chair to check out the razors... very interesting.

OK -

Silver floral ABC, single ring, serial # B282246 / L23991

Silver Empire ABC, single ring # A855627 / L29446

both of these have the uniform-rounded teeth combs.

and with a G-in-D - a silver new improved Tuckaway - NO serial ##.

Make of it what you will.
My two razors were not replated. The stamping is very sharp and the cuts have brass showing and some green oxidation. Plating after stamping would mostly fill in the stamp. I can see this clearly with a 20X loupe.

The American Button Company was located in Newark, New Jersey. They would not have made Single Ring Gillette razors there.


I love when theory is destroyed by data, even my own. I'll have a close look at mine when I get home tonight. What could have possibly been reworked?

I love when theory is destroyed by data, even my own. I'll have a close look at mine when I get home tonight. What could have possibly been reworked?


One theory brought up by Amish a little while ago was it might have been the handle threading. Other then that I don't know. Interesting though.

Attached are images of a NEW Improved (Bostonian/Silver Type) with only a "L" serial number, and the "G" inside the "D". There is no normal serial number as expected on this razor (like 485927B)



I have cabled "NOSTROP" for an explanation, and hope to hear forthwith the gentle and well considered reasons.
My 1920 Old Type Standard Set No 460 has the G inside a D. Most I´ve seen this stamp on New Improved razors like my Tuckaway without SN from 1927/28

Don't forget there was a gap of around 18 months when Gillette did not serialize the New Improved razors. I'm not right in front of my reference material, but I recall it was around 1927. Therefore, any repaired razors from that era would only have a repair marking and not an original serial.
It does look like the engraving work at the factory gets the "L" number too.

Per krumholz, 58,317 NEW Improved were made in 1927 with out serial numbers (October 17th was the begining of no numbers), and in 1928 385,437 were produced with out serial numbers (No dates given, but must have been most of 1928)

Page 186 indicates the "G" in "D" was on the no serial numbered razers. He lists them as "Scarce"
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