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Reprieve from HD with Slim Adjustable

The Merkur 34C has been my daily razor for the better part of 3 1/2 years since moving from Atra Plus cartridges. I have taken short periods of a week or two to try out other razors, but I keep going back to the HD, and if I don't have a conscious thought at the instant I unwrap a new Astra SP, the blade mindlessly gets loaded into the Merkur. I have used an EJ DE89L for a couple weeks and although the shave is very smooth, it isn't as close as the HD. I have used a flare tip Super Speed and found the shave to be similar to the EJ razor, though the sound from the hollow head is a bit different. Yesterday I loaded the blade into a Slim Adjustable set at 7, the same setting I left it at after obtaining the razor, giving it a trial, and putting it away. I'm committing to two weeks with it this go around. Clearly there isn't the same closeness as with the HD, but my skin feels great post shave. No irritation. Sacrificing a bit of closeness but gaining a whole lot of comfort. I think where it excels is against the grain. Whereas the HD seems to lift and abrade the skin on the opposite side of the whisker, the Slim takes the whisker but doesn't irritate the skin. Bit different sound again with the hollow head butterfly TTO razor, but that is a difference to be appreciated while going through the morning sinkside ritual.
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Sacrificing a bit of closeness but gaining a whole lot of comfort. I commend you for this statement. Sometimes I think we go with the flow and not settle for what works for us. My favorite razors are a Gillette Fatboy, and Gillette Silm Adjustable, and a Gillette Super Adjustable (long black handle). I use these guys on setting 3 and am not ashamed...just great, wonderful, comfortable shaves.
I've got those two razors, and I only gave the slim about a week before I determined that I liked the 34C better. I might have to give it a try again, thanks for the reminder to go back and try things again.
I have just started using a fatboy as opposed to my 34c as a daily driver set at 6 and it gives a great smooth shave for sure but more importantly my skin feels amazing post shave and does for at least the next 6-8 hrs.
I've been using a notably mild razor (Lord L6) for about 2.5 years now. It replaced a Super Adjustable (that I regret selling) as well as a New Improved, Tech, and Shaving Factory TTO (that I don't regret selling). I can get SAS with a quick single-pass XTG, CCS with 2-pass WTG/ATG, and DFS by adding some touch-up/buffing. It's smooth, easy to find blade angle, and was a total RAD buster for me.

Now for the last month I've been experimenting with other razors, some as mild (Maggard), some slightly more agressive (Merkur 20C, Cadet Safety Bar), and some notably more aggressive (Cadet OC, Cadet TTO). This time around, I seem to be able to adjust more quickly to the given agressiveness of other razors and find the blade angle and pressure sweet spot without issue. I can go from the Cadet OC to the Lord without relearning how to shave with either, and get a good close shave with either.

I would still call the Lord my go-to razor due to its ease of use, but I'm now starting to find the joy of a rotation and variety after 2.5 years of razor monogamy. I'm also really enjoying Frankenrazor experimentation, with my best combination to date being the Lord L6 top-cap on the Cadet OC bottom-plate and handle (the Lordet as another thread named it). I have a feeling my results with my Merkur 20c head on the Cadet handle is a similar experience as what others are getting with the 34c and, as such, I can see the appeal for shavers of all experience levels.
Thanks for the discussion! Just seeing now that the Slim is the razor of the month. I shaved with it again this morning and I just kept thinking that the safety razor was perfected decades ago! Just FYI, I have a fourth quarter 1962 H4 nickel plated Slim.
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I really enjoy my '63 Slim Adjustable too! Usually I start on 7 for WTG first pass, then 5 for XTG, then 3 for ATG. Pretty much BBS, with DFS on my jawline.

This morning I tried settings of 5, 3, 2. And wow, what a smooth, close shave. Not quite as close as 7,5,3, but less chance of the occasional weeper, and more comfortable. An excellent razor. :)

I will have to try a 9,7,5 one day, and then maybe a 3,2,1 the next to compare the difference.
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