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My favorite Edwin Jagger DE89 is losing some of the plating off of its cap. Can someone point me in the right direction about how to have this replated? I live in the CONUS and I'm not looking to spend too much money, it's just the cap.
I have no experience with replating, but I assume that it will most likely be cheaper to just buy a new 89 since you can get them for less than $30. After the replate and 2 way shipping I bet it will be more expensive. Just a thought..
i would say upgrade to something that isnt going to lose its plating so easy. sure its an initial investment, but it pays off in the long run when u dont have to kep buying cheap razors to replace when they go bad
IIRC the cap and bottom plate is made of pot metal (or something else) which makes replating very hard, I would contact EJ and get a new one.
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