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Replating or epoxy coating a New or Tech?

I have two Gillette, gold plated New razors and a Gold Tech. The finish has worn off the razors. One of the New, is my grandfathers and the others I recently purchased. I would like to use all of them and I am considering to have all three replated with chrome,nickol or if the expense is not to much, rhodium. I have heard that the rhodium looks better. Is there anyone out there that does replating in nickol, chrome or rhodium at a reasonable cost. Reasonable to me is around $15.00 each.

If I cannot get it done reasonably, I am thinking of trying to refinish the fat handle New (as an experiment) with one of the epoxy based firearm refinishing product. I have refinished Mauser rifles and parts with with Brownells, olive drab green coating and the finish is so tuff you cannot scratch it with your fingernail.

I recently looked at a fat handle Tech with a black finish on the handle. It looked pretty good. One of my concerns with epoxy coating the razors, is that in order to have the coating adher to the metal you need to oxide blast the parts (etch the metal) for the epoxy to adher. Anyone out there that has done this before? I would not like to ruin the razor. I would appreciate your input.Thanks, Doug Rosso

Cooncatbob any advice?
Reasonable to me is around $15.00 each.

You might want to read through this thread:
Cost of Re-Plating

The going rate is about $35 per razor.

Plating requires chemicals, and expensive equipment. Many platers are not interested in doing small batches, for walk in customers. Those that are likely charge a premium for such service. No plater in their right mind is going to touch it for a mere $15; the razor needs to be stripped, and prepped first.

Consider, that re-plating should only be considered for a razor that has sentimental value to you. Otherwise, a much better condition razor with fully intact plating could be acquired for less, or nearly the same price.

Also re-plating tends to destroy any value the item has as an antique.
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No, I have not tried it yet. I am in the process of coating a Remington 700, M40 replica sniper rifle (used in Vietnam) with a product called "ceramacote". It is supposed to be tougher and have some lubricity, which would make it better for shaving gear. It will be a flat black color. I is expensive, around $20 per spray can, so once I start spraying the finish I like to use the whole can at one time. I need to have enough prepared parts/rifles to coat so I can use the whole can and not end up wasteing it. I am not sure the flat black would look good on the razors. The pictures I have seen of black painted razors looks shiny. I am looking for another epoxy based coating that I can buy in smaller, amounts that I can paint on with a brush. I was going to check with some hobby/crafts stores to see what was available. Doug Rosso
You have my attention with this. How many of these already damaged razors do we come accross if you are a true hunter or seeker of them. How many have been cleaned too harshly and the plating is gone before we get them. How many of them have already cracked handles which would negate their value right off the top. This is something you can do from home without the chemicals and danger of replating. I could see this on a three piece razor, a moving twist to open could be a bit more difficult. I think this is a thread never investigated yet, and one that has a lot of potential at the very least for some good science projects.
If you take a common $5 "shaver" grade Gillette Tech or TTO model that is fundamentally sound (no cracks, dings, major metal defects/damage) and complete the chemical clean and strip process there is no real difference between it and a brand new Merkur before both are dropped into the plating bath. In the end they are basically the same cost ($40 shipped for a 34c shipped versus $5 + 35 for a replated Gillette) so it's really a matter of preference - some people prefer the "Factory New" product versus something old made new again.

I would be curious if either of the guys who does replating here offers a discount for more than one razor at a time (figure combined shipping + more efficent use of materials). I can see replated vintage razors making cool gifts particularly if you pick those from a year with sentimental value or just want to give a neat "retro" gift that isn't easily obtained off of a store shelf, etc...
These coatings come in Stainless steel and diamond plate colors among others. They cost about 16 to 20 dollars for a can which can do how many razors I wonder. I am interested to see if this works or is worth it.
I was just talking about this yesterday with someone.
I'm in the process of acquiring two old DE's, one of which might need replating.
It looks pretty bad in the pictures, but I havent' seen it yet.
Now it would seem that people are split pretty good on the value of a replated razor. I like my old Gillettes. I use my old Gillettes. So if I use them and don't collect them to be vintage antiques, I'll replate them if need be.
It seems this upsets a lot of people.
I was wanting something that is similar to a Goodfella with a "New" head. Has to be possible. Otherwise they wouldn't have one on the market. Just need to find out how. :biggrin:
I was wanting something that is similar to a Goodfella with a "New" head. Has to be possible. Otherwise they wouldn't have one on the market. Just need to find out how. :biggrin:

Contact Cooncatbob. He makes a custom handle called the Improved, that is patterned after the Goodfella handle. Bob took the flawed design of the Goodfella handle, and improved it, so it is actually functional.

(The Goodfella handle doesn't have enough grooves, and the grooves it has are too far up the handle to be of any use).

He also sells re-plated "New" heads to go with the handle. :thumbup1:

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:001_tt1: Yeah, I've actually talked to Bob about one of those. Just have to PM him the details. I already have a NEW (and an OLD and a Tech....) to put it on. It just isn't in the best shape and I think it would be cool in black. :001_cool:
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