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Replacement/New Heads for DE Razors

My father wanted to show me how to use his metalworking lathe and I could think of no better project than making a replacement handle for my Gillette new. I gladly took my new handle back to my apartment and use it almost every day. In my absence, my father went to town with the idea and made 5 other razor handles in various configurations (different materials, knurling patterns, shapes, etc.) Does anyone have any idea where I would be able to buy DE heads for all of these handles I now find myself with? They all have a 10/32 thread like an old Gillette or a new Muhle. I apologize if this is a repeat, but I couldn't find a topic like this elsewhere.

Welcome. I don't know of any vendors that just sell the heads but you might try looking on ebay for a lot of old Gillette 3 piece razors that you could salvage the heads from. Another option might be to try out the Fatip or Cadet open comb razor heads on your handles. I don't know for sure that the threads would be compatible, but it might be worth a shot. Most of these types of razors are in the $20 to $30 range. I see that this is only your second post, otherwise I would tell you to start a thread in the Buy/Sell/Trade forum asking for certain types of heads that other members might have that they no longer have any use for. I'm sure there are many guys here that have quite a few laying around that they want to get rid of. Alot of it depends on the type of head and it's condition, and how particular you are. You'll probably generate more interest and get a better response if you are specific about what types you would like to try. Gillette New short open comb, Gillette New long open comb, Gillette Tech, Edwin Jagger, Muhle, etc. If it doesn't have to be in excellent condition and you're okay with a little brassing and some scratches then let the guys know that and you might get a better response. Good luck!!

I appreciate the input guys. I'll try one from the Golden Nib, but I was looking for a reliable source that might also have gold tone and open comb options (most of the work product is brass and I happen to like open comb razors). I happen to notice that most of the guys that sell "custom" razors online seem to be using Muhle heads. I just sent an email to their American distributor to see if they would sell me just the heads. Somehow I doubt they'll sell them to someone that doesn't have a tax ID number, but we'll see. I've also begun doing what Ben suggested, looking for razors that are bound for the trash heap with usable heads on them. I found a ladies razor at an antique shop today for $9, with what appears to be a Gillette tech head on it.
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I appreciate the input guys. I'll try one from the Golden Nib, but I was looking for a reliable source that might also have gold tone and open comb options (most of the work product is brass and I happen to like open comb razors). I happen to notice that most of the guys that sell "custom" razors online seem to be using Muhle heads. I just sent an email to their American distributor to see if they would sell me just the heads. Somehow I doubt they'll sell them to someone that doesn't have a tax ID number, but we'll see. I've also begun doing what Ben suggested, looking for razors that are bound for the trash heap with usable heads on them. I found a ladies razor at an antique shop today for $9, with what appears to be a Gillette tech head on it.

If you have ever worked or been born in the US or Canada you do have a tax ID. In the US it is your Social Security Number and in Canada it is your Social Insurance Number. It isn't the same as a business ID in the US but it should work for this purpose as the taxing authorities track people by those numbers. Italy also has a tax ID that even visitors sometimes need to obtain to make certain purchases in that country (Marco, please chime in here if needed).
In New York, if I attempt shop at one of the wholesale fabric places in the garment district, they insist that I have a Tax ID that one could only get by registering a corporation or a partnership with the State of New York. I'm not sure if that's actually the law or just a rule of thumb to prevent them from having to deal with retail customers.
I suspect the OP is referring to a Business Tax Number - in UK this is a VAT Registration Number. In other words, the company selling the heads may not sell to the public - Trade Only.

If you have ever worked or been born in the US or Canada you do have a tax ID. In the US it is your Social Security Number and in Canada it is your Social Insurance Number. It isn't the same as a business ID in the US but it should work for this purpose as the taxing authorities track people by those numbers. Italy also has a tax ID that even visitors sometimes need to obtain to make certain purchases in that country (Marco, please chime in here if needed).
In New York, if I attempt shop at one of the wholesale fabric places in the garment district, they insist that I have a Tax ID that one could only get by registering a corporation or a partnership with the State of New York. I'm not sure if that's actually the law or just a rule of thumb to prevent them from having to deal with retail customers.

I suspect they don't want to deal with the general public. The only Tax ID's in the US are issued by the IRS (for businesses) or the Social Security Administration (for people). If you need a business tax ID they aren't hard to get, I don't know the number of the form off of the bat but if you need to I can get it. Even a sole proprietor can get one and you don't have to use it for a business once you have it. I had to have one to prepare tax returns for people and the family logging business needed one so we could pay employment taxes even though we were not incorporated.
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