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RELP! I'm almost out of Musgo Balsam. What should be next?

I'm down to the last third of my Musgo Balsam. It rocks. But now I'm trying to decide whether to order another, or try something new. I also shave my head, so I go through aftershave rapidly. Any input would be much appreciated. My choices are:

1) D.R. Harris Aftershave Milk

2) Gentlemen's Refinery Balm

3) Santa Maria Novella Analcolica (I can get this from a local store... but the brutality of the price tag is preventing me)

4) Nancy Boy Cooling Aftershave Gel

5) Proraso ASB

6) ?
All good choices. But what are you going for? Gentleman's Refinery is GREAT but the cost is a bit steep. Proraso is an excellent alternative and quite nourishing although not as much as GR ASB....sky is the limit here.
Since I apply aftershave liberally, especially on my freshly shaven noggin, I'd prefer to avoid alcohol based aftershaves (I know Nancy Boy has a bit of alcohol). Having some witch hazel for healing would be nice.

I have a sample of Gentlemen's Refinery. I like the scent and the healing. It's just a wee bit too runny for it to be my absolute go-to. I'm really trying to justify dropping $60 on SMN Analcolica... is this really just a slightly upscale Proraso ASB with a ridiculous price?
6) Pre De Provence

This is truly one of the best aftershave balms on the market :biggrin:
Top grade ingredients like shea butter. Non-greasy. The scent is different from what you are used to with Musgo but unique in its own right - sage
Proraso Liquid Cream Aftershave as it formally known is an excellent choice. Good for razor burn, moisturizes well without being sticky, scent is great and won't interfere with colognes if you wear them. Cost is generally $11-$15.
No love for Nivea? I do want a scented AS or ASB at times, but the Nivea products are great for cooling and revitalizing. IMHO.
Once again, I'm going to put in a plug for C.O. Bigelow's #1200 (unscented) ASB ... it is my all-time favorite balm. At $15/100ml, its slightly on the expensive side, but well worth it. Its also a little bit hard to find, as not all B&BW stores carry this one.

I must have close to a dozen different ASLs and ASBs in my collection, but Bigelow's #1200 is the one I keep coming back to.

I'm just starting my 3rd bottle after 18 months of wet-shaving, and I have a full backup bottle in reserve. When they go on a B1G1 sale, I stock up.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Almost out? How? That stuff lasts forever. My bottle is almost four years old and going strong.
+1 for Pre De Provence. This is probably my favorite aftershave. I wasn't a big fan of the Nancy Boy Cooling since it always makes my skin feel sticky. Another recommendation that smells similar to Nancy Boy is Baxter's of California Aftershave Balm. It has some menthol in it which gives it a very nice cooling effect and not sticky at all.
Almost out? How? That stuff lasts forever. My bottle is almost four years old and going strong.

Head shaving... use about 3x as much aftershave as on my face. And it's pretty much 1 and out for blades too.

Right now I'm leaning towards going aftershave shopping at WCS... Dr. Harris Milk. My concern is that it's really runny.
I use D.R. Harris AS milk and it's great. It is runny but just give it a good shake for 15-20 seconds and it should thicken up also a little bit goes a long way with this stuff.
Left Coast DJ:

I know you said you lean away from alcohol splashes, but as a fellow dome shaver I must tell you that nothing in this world is like Osage Rub on the head after a shave. Very nice -- splash it on, wait 30 seconds or so, then follow with lotion to lock in the coolness. I try not to "waste" the good stuff (Speick, AoS Sandalwood balm) on my head, although I have been known to add a couple of drops of Aqua Velva to the Osage Rub scalp rubdown.
6) Pre De Provence

This is truly one of the best aftershave balms on the market :biggrin:
Top grade ingredients like shea butter. Non-greasy. The scent is different from what you are used to with Musgo but unique in its own right - sage

Another vote for PdP here. It's one of the best out there and a go to in the colder months. I usually use it in conjunction with a spritz of Thayer's to help distribute it. Love the scent too!
Relp is on the way!
Go for QED ASSC. Contact the proprietor of qedusa.com and he'll relp you out, the site is much too confusing
Sorry, couldn't h(r)elp myself with the mockery. Saw a huge capitalized "RELP" as the title of the top thread in the aftershaves section :lol: Happens to the best of us, and the bad thing is that you can't edit a thread title
Relp is on the way!
Go for QED ASSC. Contact the proprietor of qedusa.com and he'll relp you out, the site is much too confusing
Sorry, couldn't h(r)elp myself with the mockery. Saw a huge capitalized "RELP" as the title of the top thread in the aftershaves section :lol: Happens to the best of us, and the bad thing is that you can't edit a thread title

I think Relp may have indeed cleverly been calculated into the title, right Shaggy?
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