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Red tip repaint

Has anyone repainted their Redtip? If so exactly which paint / color did you use? I have a Redtip in need of a touch up but have no clue what kind or color of paint to use.

I have no idea what is correct, but I would also choose a machine enamel and, looking at my own red tip, I would choose International Harvester Red as well. Especially as I have cans of machine paint in the barn already. Those paints are formulated to stay on better than anything else. :)

Oh, and I would choose Ford Blue for a blue tip! :p

Now, why isn't there a green tip? You know what I would use there.....

I've got two Red Tips one was pretty sad(56), the other was intact(57) save for a few chips.
The sad one had enough paint left to match up so I went to several auto part stores looking a touch up paint to match on the theory that auto colors offered a wider selection to match Gillette's red/burgundy.
The AP stores pretty were no go but ended up at a local Walmart.
At least for the 56 and 57 Red Tip IH Red is too red but took a chance with the Krylon Burgundy as the cap was spot on.
Krylon Burgundy was a dead on match and I can place my repainted 56 next to my 57 and you'd be hard pressed to tell me that the 56 is a repaint and not a NOS RT.
I used Testors black paint for numbers on my adjustables.

If that brand has the red paint, i suggest to use that one.
I tried testors paint and it was a complete failure the paint just will not properly dry even when put into a heating chamber, the paint does not dry hard when applied to metal. I am cleaning the testors off now and am going to apply what I consider a perfect match Krylon burgandy. I will post pics when I finish in a bit.

I have no idea what is correct, but I would also choose a machine enamel and, looking at my own red tip, I would choose International Harvester Red as well. Especially as I have cans of machine paint in the barn already. Those paints are formulated to stay on better than anything else. :)

Oh, and I would choose Ford Blue for a blue tip! :p

Now, why isn't there a green tip? You know what I would use there.....


That's a rough choice....Oliver, Steiger, or Deere!
The razor is now complete the Krylon did not work out too well, the baking process bubbled the paint it probably would have worked via a good 24 hour air dry. I ended up using Ameron marine with a burgundy tint added. The Ameron took the heat perfectly and should last my lifetime.
I used the model car paint (I can't remember the name but it's the little glass jars). Red with a little black mixed in (until it looked right) baked at 200*F for about 5 hours did the trick!
I used the model car paint (I can't remember the name but it's the little glass jars). Red with a little black mixed in (until it looked right) baked at 200*F for about 5 hours did the trick!

I wish I had the patience to do it the cheap and correct way but I do not. I cheated with the Ameron but it should last forever and it looks correct. The Ameron in black would look sweet on a razor head but I do not think it is possible to properly apply it as it would have to be thinned down so much to get it to spray through a gun it would probably lose it's hardening properties.
I tried testors paint and it was a complete failure the paint just will not properly dry even when put into a heating chamber, the paint does not dry hard when applied to metal. I am cleaning the testors off now and am going to apply what I consider a perfect match Krylon burgandy. I will post pics when I finish in a bit.

I have had better luck with Testors enamel. I had to use very thin coats and allow them to thoroughly dry before reapplying new coats. It was a pain. Good that you found something that worked so well. The razor looks great.
Congratulations--your razor came out great.

This color issue has come up before. Although some people swear by International Harvester Red, I can spot a repainted one a mile away because IR Red is too bright.
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