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"Red Line" Gillette

Has anyone ever heard of a "red line" Gillette Super Speed razor? (Supposedly a regular [?] SS with some kind of red line around the handle near the razor head, I think.)


My elbows leak
Staff member
Maybe your confusing the Red Tip Superspeed with the Eclipse Red Ring Razor?
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Maybe your confusing the Red Tip Superspeed with the Eclipse Red Ring Razor?

No he is talking about a current listing on the 'bay. I've noticed it myself and wondered. I asked the seller what is so special about it, whether we can have pics of the razor not just it in the case but have had no response :thumbdown

I'm curious but think I'm walking away.....
Saw that, it looks like someone just painted a line on their Flare Tip. Probably someone else in the same house had the same model and they did that to differentiate their razors.
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This is a prime example of the famous caveat emptor model . . .

Strange version of a common razor . . . case seems different . . . could be very rare, indeed. :001_rolle

Seller states that original instructions are included . . . but not pictured.

Research a seller's negative feedback . . . if you're still comfortable, bid away!
Funny how seller says they are rare yet he also states he has sold a dozen of them in the past........hmmmmmmmmm....lol
Every 60 seconds, according to Mr. Barnum!

The case looks like the Slim Twist case pictured on Achim's site. There seems to be an opaque area where the "Gillette" name should be. The case is for a longer razor - notice how the handle end sits on the blade dispenser.

I hope the purchaser is a member either here or elsewhere so this rarity can be further documented and shared, or the perpetrator properly punished.
I just missed that chance to buy that infamous razor. I am wondering it is genuine or it is just a red rubber banded Super-Speed. IMO the winner will sell it on 'Bay again.
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