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Red Israeli Blades now in stock

After reading all the good reviews about the red wrapped Israeli blades, I gave them a try myself and was impressed. While I haven't been able to find a manufacturer that claims them as their own, I now have the red wrapped Israeli blades in stock and listed on my site. I will be adding them to the sampler packs shortly, as well as making a few other tweaks based on popularity.
excelent blades, everyone should atleast try a pack, im still trying to find a european distributor that wont "rip me a new one" with the price,
im starting to think they are either NOS or personnas from a market of lower economical power then the EU or the USA, they remind me of the czeck made gillettes, the packaging seems cheaper then the standart US and European distributed blades, but the blades seem to be of very high quality,
i like these better then the dispencer personnas,
and i like the czeck gillettes better then the swidish,

maybe its becuase im of eastern european origin,
Thanks John. I really like these blades and your efforts in stocking them are far from appreciated. Err, sorry, that should be appreciated from afar. :redface:


That's great news, John! As an early enthusiast of the Reds, I'm pleased they've finally gone "mainstream".

On behalf of anyone who orders from you John, thanks for adding these to your list of wares.

I bought 200 of these on a whim on E-Bay and am dayum glad I did. They're awesome blades, IMHO, and while shunned by some (many??) I reank the up there close to Derbys. Edge doesn't last as long possibly, but still a fine smooth shave.
Well done as always John and a belated Congratulations on your article...also well done & well written.

100 of these little beauties arrived just in time for my first blade changing ceremony. I told my Dad about them over Christmas and I think he'll be wanting some after he tries a few. His Jaw dropped when I told him the price. :biggrin:

Thanks John!


After talking wiht john about how much I liked the Crystals and he said these were smoother... I Just placed an order ! :w00t:
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