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Recommended way to clean crusty 1/4 turn on a Slim

Hey everybody!

I've been so busy these past months I barely had time to breathe. I try to stop by and read the latest goings-on but it's a hit or miss kind of thing.

Anyways, my daily shaver is my beloved gold and black 0-4 Slim Adjustable. I have pretty hard water so I'm sure that's the culprit here but I have been noticing that the quarter turn on my slim has almost nonexistent. I have tried soaking the handle in Scrubbing Bubbles several times. I have even popped the cover off the bottom to try to clean up inside the handle. It's just not working.

Does anybody recommend a reliable way to clean up the crud in there so I can get that smooth quater turn again?

You may have to go inside and get that hard water gunk out, here try this if you feel confident . ( i do it all the time ) http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/197072-Slim-Disassembly-Documentary

Thanks Alex but I forgot to mention that it's super adjustable. Is there any documentation on tearing those apart?
I've had great luck with pouring paint thinner, not stripper, thinner, though a fatboy. The last quarter turn did not well work at all, it was gunked up and stuck and squeaking. I stood the razor up on a paper towel, poured some paint thinner thought the top and black gunk flowed out the bottom. I kept doing that until the thinner ran clean. Worked great. Dissolved the gunk, cured the squeak. Cleaned it up with dishwashing liquid after that and a short soak in Barbicide to make sure the thinner was out of the razor and it worked like new. The thinner didn't effect the finish, but it was a fatboy not a black and gold, while I really don't think it would effect the finish, I've no idea how the black and golds were finished.

Hey everybody!

I've been so busy these past months I barely had time to breathe. I try to stop by and read the latest goings-on but it's a hit or miss kind of thing.

Anyways, my daily shaver is my beloved gold and black 0-4 Slim Adjustable. I have pretty hard water so I'm sure that's the culprit here but I have been noticing that the quarter turn on my slim has almost nonexistent. I have tried soaking the handle in Scrubbing Bubbles several times. I have even popped the cover off the bottom to try to clean up inside the handle. It's just not working.

Does anybody recommend a reliable way to clean up the crud in there so I can get that smooth quater turn again?

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