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Recommendations for Hot Towel Shave in Paris and London

Hello everyone! I'm going to Paris and London in late summer and would like to get a traditional hot towel shave. For our well traveled brethern, I would greatly appreciate any recommendations as well as your own experiences. Thank you very much!

"The last man to shave you"
First, read everything Mark Twain had to say about European barbers and barbarous shaves in Innocents Abroad. That book includes some great travel tips, too.

For London http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/England_Shopping_and_Suppliers lists a few possibilities. Based on past trip reports I would try T&H. You can read many of those past reports if you scroll down to the "Similar Threads" box, at the bottom of the page.

Oddly we do not seem to have a shopping page for France, so we expect a full report when you return. The Paris shop Planète Rasoir might be able to advise you, and again those "Similar Threads" may help. Looking over those, http://www.maitrebarbier.com might be an option.
Hi, there are loads of places in London that offer very good shaves. Just go on a search engine and search for Barber's shops that offer shaves. Geo F. Trumper has 2 shops in London. Check the website. It's pricey but I believe that it is totally worth it. About Paris I am afraid I don't know
My first straight razor shave was at Harrods in Knightsbridge. It was excellent albeit a tad pricy at 60 pounds. Next time I'm in town I'll probably try Trumpers or tobs.
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