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Recommend me a bean

What is a moderately priced coffee bean that I can get at the local grocery store? I never drink coffee, so I have no clue what variations there are.
I've had the best luck by sampling coffee at a few of the local chains that happen to also sell beans at my grocery store. Maybe if you look around a bit you can find some local coffee houses that sell beans in your store. In my experience, the local beans are a bit cheaper than say Starbucks or Caribou Coffee beans. I did, however just finish a bag of Caribou Coffee beans that I really enjoyed. YMMV though, as I'm not very sophisticated when it comes to coffee (or anything else for that matter).
If they sell Peets in your area, it is my favorite coffee. It's $11/pound or so. Not cheap, but much better than Starbucks, in my opinion.
I prefer single origin coffee, I think most blends are made to cover poor grade coffee anyway. I found some fantastic organic Colombian single origin locally. I like a medium roast as well, its much smoother.
Jamacian blue mountain is my favorite, you can get blends,less expensive then the real thing 35.00lb. Fresh Market has a good selection of beans.
If I were forced to buy coffee from the grocery store, it would be Peet's something or other in whole bean form.
Beans come in two types, robusta, or arabica. You want an arabica bean. The roast has a few more choices. You can choose from light/half city, medium/american, medium dark/full city, french roast/italian. More or less from light to dark. Every one has their preference, but I would start with a medium dark/full city roast. If you go darker (and some people wouldn't have it any other way) you loose the origin of the bean, and the roast becomes the dominant taste. If that makes sense. If you want the best coffee, by all means, find a local roaster (not charbucks, or even Peet's) and drop some coin.

ambrose, you prefer S.O. coffees. Do you drink espresso? I prefer a blend with espresso, however it needn't have many different beans it it. I'm assuming the OP is asking for a drip coffee.
Beans come in two types, robusta, or arabica. You want an arabica bean. The roast has a few more choices. You can choose from light/half city, medium/american, medium dark/full city, french roast/italian. More or less from light to dark. Every one has their preference, but I would start with a medium dark/full city roast. If you go darker (and some people wouldn't have it any other way) you loose the origin of the bean, and the roast becomes the dominant taste. If that makes sense. If you want the best coffee, by all means, find a local roaster (not charbucks, or even Peet's) and drop some coin.

ambrose, you prefer S.O. coffees. Do you drink espresso? I prefer a blend with espresso, however it needn't have many different beans it it. I'm assuming the OP is asking for a drip coffee.

Yes mostly espresso but also drip sometimes, I just seem to really have a preference for S.O. coffee. Some blends from better sources are definitely great but I find that a lot of grocery store stuff is to cover the poor quality. YMMV :biggrin:
Can I ask what the difference in roasting will produce flavorwise? I've read that darker is sweeter...

I just made some Starbucks coffee and it tastes about as bitter and foul and it could be. I'm trying to find something that's less nasty and a little sweeter/smoother. Any suggestions? Right now I'm looking at some Boca Java online.
Can I ask what the difference in roasting will produce flavorwise? I've read that darker is sweeter...

I just made some Starbucks coffee and it tastes about as bitter and foul and it could be. I'm trying to find something that's less nasty and a little sweeter/smoother. Any suggestions? Right now I'm looking at some Boca Java online.

Go for a medium-light roast. (either would be fine)

You probably heard that darker is sweeter from someone who smokes like a chimney. It's burned. It tastes it, too.

You may drop by The Pearl Cup to see if you like what they're serving. http://tx-coffee.com/2009/02/24/pearl-cup-dallas-tx/
i was going to submit a reply of costa rican honey palmares at a city roast (one of my favs), but then noticed "retail store". sorry i'm a home roaster...get my beans green.
A very good bean


kidding, I really like the Sumatra blend by starbucks
May I use the quoted text on tx-coffee.com?

Sure. I went back this morning and got a mocha for myself and a chai tea latte for my girlfriend, she thought it was much better than Starbucks as well (admittedly not difficult to do). Do you know if they sell their own blend?
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