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Rec. Adjustable Temp Kettle

Sorry if this has been discussed earlier, but I didn't see a thread.

I am looking for an adjustable tempeture electric kettle and wanted to see what other people are using or recommend?

There are tons on the internet and at few local stores, but their prices vary so great that I am confused. I have seen them as low as $60 and as high as $250.


Zojirushi, Zojirushi, Zojirushi.

These things are a huge part of the culture to which I'm familiar...I recommend Zojirushi CD-JUC22 or CD-JUC30.

It is an indispensable family member for me!

Or do you want the type that makes some hot water a la carte instead?
I agree, the Zojirushi is something I couldn't live without. Ive had mine for about 3 years and still am impressed with it's quality and preformance.
Here is what I have. I love it and it is far cheaper than a Zojirushi (which is will eventually get when I have more room).

The PINO is actually the one I have been looking at and for the price I think I might start out with this one.

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