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REALLY Low Prices on Merkur & Omega Products



Copied this from a deal site that I often visit. Been a lurker here for a while, but finally figured I had something useful to post:

Merkur Razors + Other Wet Shaving Products Black Friday (Omega Badger Brush $25 FSS)
Thought this might be good for those who are wet shavers and/or want to purchase some really nice gifts at the best prices I have ever seen. I usually purchase some British foods from this place, but I just received an e-mail about this. It is kind of interesting that they carry this and a combination of foods, but I have had a good experience with this company so I guess it doesn't matter.

Merkur razors are the best. There is absolutely no comparison and if you ever shave with a double edge razor, you will know the difference. I have an Omega badger brush too, and it has given me over two years of service. I paid nearly $40 for the brush that is now $25!

There is free shipping on every one of these items. Here are some examples:

Merkur 178 Razor (34C) - $28.99

Merkur Futur Razor #70 - 57.95
Merkur #180 Razor - $26.49
Omega Badger Brush for only $25
Rest of the stuff they have

They have some blades, shaving soaps, bowls, etc as well. Hope this helps! Happy Thanksgiving!
The two for 10 on the Omega soap seems like a pretty good deal. I could be wrong, but I think most places are a little more expensive than that
Welcome to the Forum!

They had good prices on their stuff! I ordered some Col. Conk Lime and some of the Omega Soap and took advantage of the free shipping for Black Friday!
Welcome to the Forum!

They had good prices on their stuff! I ordered some Col. Conk Lime and some of the Omega Soap and took advantage of the free shipping for Black Friday!

Ordered on Saturday, received on Tuesday! (Of course living in the same metro-area as the vendor helps).
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