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really happy to meet you

I had wanted to take the DE leap for months but fear forced me to research research research
After taking the plunge with a shaving shack set I was hooked.
Instantly ordered DE89 which ive solely stuck with and Derby extra's
Ive chopped around between Arko, T&H 10, TheFat, Tabac, and have dedecided to stick with Tabac.
Struggling with lather but know its crucial I get it right, watety foam hurts!
Just really love this site as it makes me smile as you all seem so much like me. Bordering on obsession, but its so cool.
And yes, the missus does roll her eyes every time I mention shaving :)
Haha I can totally relate to your story. Obsession doesn't truly do our hobby justice. Welcome aboard; you'll fit in just fine here! Just keep your cash with your wife...we may indirectly influence you in more ways than one.
Welcome aboard! Get the wife into it too. Just use the "Think of all the money we could save from switching from cartridge to DE, babe" angle...Right? :lol::lol::lol:
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