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Real Shaving Co Set

I was thinking of getting the Real Shaving Co's shave set, which includes the hot towel mask, face scrub, shave cream, and balm. I was wondering if anyone else has used this set, and if it helped their skin. Their SPF moisturizer is also tempting, anyone used that before?
I have used TRSC's Hot Towel Mask, and it is the worst shaving product (in any category) I've ever used ... thick, greasy, doesn't dilute well with water, doesn't rinse easily off my face. The so-called "heat" only lasted about half-a-second, and any moisturizing or other pre-shave benefits were overshadowed by lousy texture and minimal heating.

I have tubes of TRSC's shave cream and asb that I got in trades ... but I was so turned off by my experience with their heated mask that I never tried them.

The rest of the set may be perfectly fine ... Don't go by my opinion alone. Gather more info and form your own conclusions.
Lol.. and this is a case of YMMV..

SWMBO bought me the sampler and the heating mask is a nice pre-treatment to my shower shave while I'm lathering the bits and tackle...

True the heat only lasts for a short few seconds, but I personally like it!

Course, I rely on another good pre-shave prior to performing any real shaving work... (aka.. proraso):001_wub:
The shave cream is really good. The asb is very moisturizing, possibly too heavy for summer but excellent for winter. The face scrub is unpleasant and the result is mediocre at best. I've never tried the hot towel mask or the moisturizer.
Most of the advice I've seen here suggests not using exfoliants prior to a shave. If that's what the face scrub is, then you may want to save it for off days or sometime when you aren't shaving (before bed if you're a morning shaver).

I have yet to build a good lather with the shaving cream, but I've been busy trying so much new stuff it's been a while.
I bought this set a while back. As mentioned before the heat mask was weak in the heat department and I got an uneasy feeling when using it as it's obviously a chemical reaction of some sort happening on your face. As for the rest of the stuff,.... I didn't care for it at all.
Is the balm greasy or leaves your face shiny? I hate that...and thanks for the other responses. I wasn't even planning on using the mask, but the set is inexpensive. I'd probably just use the face wash before sleeping, not pre shave.
Is the balm greasy or leaves your face shiny? I hate that...and thanks for the other responses. I wasn't even planning on using the mask, but the set is inexpensive. I'd probably just use the face wash before sleeping, not pre shave.

The asb feels a little greasy going on. It absorbs quickly and after a few minutes your skin doesn't feel oily or greasy, but definitely feels softer. The skin is matte, not shiny. You don't need to use a lot.
It is not a cooling balm and doesn't soothe razor burn right away. It takes several minutes after aplication for the soothing effect to kick in.

As far as the shave cream goes, I find little difference between it and higher end creams except for scent. It's made by Creighton's who also makes many high end creams.
The shaving cream is good, not awesome, but good.

The aftershave balm is VERY good. Sometimes takes a bit of working in, but leaves my face smooth, soft and pain free!

I bought the towel mask, now using it everyday just to get rid of it. It's nice and makes me feel like I'm adding an extra stage to my shave, but practically speaking it doesn't do a great deal.

Not tried anything else, but 2/3 ain't bad!
I bought the balm, it's gotten good reviews all around. The heat mask, not so much and I don't do pre shave oils/creams anyway.
I really like the cream, one of the best around for the price, the face srub is ok, though i found it to rough to use everyday, and the hot towell i use once a week, dont know if it does much good though!
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