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Ready to step forward: Open Comb, Slant Bar, or Mergress

Where would you go from an HD?

  • Open Comb

  • Slant Bar

  • Mergress

  • Other

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I've been using a Merkur HD since mid-Oct and boy I love that little hunk of metal; however, after months of improvement and plenty of SCAD/SSAD and ASAD, I think it's time to take the RAD leap and try a new razor.

So gentelmen, I'm looking for your votes on what I should try next. I'm considering an Open Comb, Slant Bar, or the infamous Mergress. Any comments are welcome. For the record, I'm comfortable with my technique and am after something a bit more aggressive to master.

Fire away!
I would go with either a Merkur slant or a Gillette Red Tip. Both are aggressive, yet very smooth razors. :thumbup:
Thanks for the replies and comments. I'm wondering, for all the open comb suppporters - what made you vote OC over slant? I hear lots of respect for slants, while open combs get a little air but not nearly the same fanfare.

So what say you!


Everyone is different as you can see. I personally went from safety bar to adjustable to slant bar to open comb.
I'm very happy with the slant but I am considering an open comb to add to the rotation, something that is aggressive.

The 1930s Gillette Open Combs give better (closer, smoother) shaves for me than the SlantBar:smile:

Have fun !


I'm thinking of giving the open comb a try.
Those who use them seem to love them.
I'm interested in a slant just to try.... uh oh... RAD is developing.. i can feel that warm gushy feeling inside again...:drool:
i went from a HD to a Jagger DE89L. It give a very smooth shave and is a pleasure to use. Now I am thinking of heading down the SE line. Just bought a nice Schick injector (I1) and can hardly wait to try it. Maybe a Gem next.

I voted "other".

I'm assuming you want to get the closest possible shave, which is why you are considering the shavers that you have listed above. I submit, why not consider picking up an SE razor? It's likely to best any that you have listed in terms of shaving closeness & comfort.

I admit I'm surprised by all the open comb votes, didn't expect that or claims that they perform better than slants. Perhaps the slant users are just a bit more vocal in day-to-day threads.

To the poster above, what makes SE perform better than DEs? I've never really considered trying one since the blade selection seems limited at best.
I voted open comb AND slant.
For me personally, they both give me what I need - a razor that doesn't clog easily. ymmv, but for me, open comb = clog free beard reduction via the tried and true multiple pass, while slant = beard eradication via a devil-may-care 1 pass ATG (for 1-2 day growth, wtg+atg for more days).
30s NEW. I've tried 3 pieces, superspeeds, adjustables, old types a Gem and a Merkur, but for consistent close, smooth shaves nothing compares with my Bar Handle NEW.
Vintage open comb here. Slant is great and all that but you can get 3 vintage NEWs for the price of one slant.
"To the poster above, what makes SE perform better than DEs? I've never really considered trying one since the blade selection seems limited at best."

I'm not sure I know the real reason why they do, I'm guessing it has to do with the angle it is used at and the fact that the blade is thicker & rigid. Whatever the reason it's an entirely different experience and something you should try if you are looking for a better shave, in my opinion.

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