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Ready to purchase my first Safety Razor kit!

Hello, I have been reading some reviews here as well as watching some videos from shave nation. I am ready to purchase my first kit and would like any advice on this setup. I am 34 yrs old and have only been using Gillette cartridge razors since I was around 17-18. The issue I have with these razors is that I am never satisfied with the closeness and I always get razor burn and ingrown hairs on my neck to the sides of my adams apple. I am looking to buy the setup below, what do you guys think recommend!

Safety Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89L Double Edge Saftey Razor, Lined Chrome

Razor Blades: DE Sampler pack
- Feather New Hi-Stainless Platinum (10 blades)
- Crystal or "Israeli" (10 blades)
- Derby Extra (5 blades)
- Red Israeli Personna (5 blades)
- Astra Superior Platinum (5 blades)

Shaving Cream: Bigelow Green Tube Cream vs. Proraso Green Tube Cream?
- I have only used canned goo so I am not sure the differencet between cream and soap. Do any of you have a preference?

Any suggestions on the following?

Shaving Brush?
Shaving Bowl?
Stand? - How do you all store your razor and brush?

Thanks for all your help!

Sorry just noticed I should have posted this in the "newbie corner." Admin feel free to delete this post as I already reposted in the correct forum. Thanks!
Your starter kit is pretty much what I got. Same blade, same sampler.

Bigelow and Proraso are exactly the same cream at about the same price. If you get Bigelow from Bath and Body Works, you don't have to pay for shipping. If you include it in your order with the razor and sampler, you can get the Proraso just because it's cool to have the Italian packaging.

I started with the standard VDH brush and bowl, but I haven't used them for a while. The brush that I use the most is Whipped Dog's silvertip badger. A bargain for what it is.

You can use anything you want for a bowl, or face lather. I use a Mexican salsa bowl.

At some point you will have to experience Arko stick. Some love it, some hate it.
Welcome to B&B!

Asking for suggestions around here can garner as many different answers as there are members! :lol:

That being said, it looks like a pretty solid kit to me. The EJ89 is a quality razor that is a predictable shaver and a great place to start. The blade sampler is a great idea since blade performance is a subjective matter in my experience. As for brushes, creams, soaps, pre/post shave, etc., again, that'll be something you have to dial in for yourself.

Remember when you're starting out not to change too many variables at once. In other words, don't change the products you're using a lot in the beginning. If you experience some problems and have questions, it's easier to narrow down the cause if you're not using something different every shave. Just look around the site and you'll see how easy it is to get caught up in ADs (Acquisition Disorders).

If you haven't done it already, I'd recommend reading through the Shave Clinic Library. There is wealth of information on technique, pre-shave routine (which I feel is very important), products and more. It can save you a lot of frustration and money!

As a point of reference, I have about 30 razors, 5 brushes, 9 soaps, 7 creams, 30+ different brands of blades and 90% of my shaves are done with a Muhle R89 (same head as the EJ89), Semogue SOC boar brush, Gillette Silver Blue blade and Proraso Red shave cream or Mitchells Wool Fat soap.

I hope this was at least a little helpful. Enjoy the journey!
Sounds similar to my starting lineup. I got an omega silver tip brush. Found a bowl from the kitchen, and made some pre shave oil by mixing olive and castor oil. I also had some TOBS sandalwood in addition to the bigelo.

Just picked up the B&B essential boar brush. It would be a good brush to start with as well
You might want to check out the VDH (Van Der Hagen) Premium or Luxury shave sets. Either would be a good starter set -- you get a brush, bowl, and a puck of VDH soap. The Luxury set ($26.99 on Amazon) comes with a badger brush and apothecary mug. The Premium ($8.99 on Amazon) comes with a basic boar brush and an attractive two-tone green ceramic bowl. The soap is a respectable shaving soap. Personally, I'm not crazy about the scent, but it makes a worthy lather.

The whole cream vs. soap question is an adventure in itself. Of course you'll eventually have to try a variety of both!

If you get into soaps, you'll start accumulating a collection of bowls to store and lather them in. The premium English soaps (D.R. Harris, Trumper's, Truefitt & Hill, Taylor's of Old Bond Street, Crabtree & Evelyn, and others) come with (optional) wooden bowls, which are nice, but there's a whole world of after-market bowls out there, too. I happen to be a big fan of the New World line of bowls at Classic Shaving. I have a monogrammed one in Brazilian Cherry, and just ordered another in Purple Heart (to replace my MWF ceramic bowl, which slipped out of my hand and shattered the other day -- ouch! :sad:) The New World bowls are hand-turned and not cheap, but worth every penny in terms of looks and durability. I've used the Brazilian Cherry bowl for close to a year and it's as good as new.

Enjoy the ride, and remember that the shaves will get better as you go along.
Just want to say welcome. I am 34 too and have the same razor and the VDH Premium kit. I am new to this and have had a lot of success thus far. You may want to think of a pre-shave oil. It sure makes a difference for me, but like others have said you will get many different opinions on this forum. All the many answers to me are a good thing to help you along with your own research. Best of luck to you as you get started, you wont regret it.
Dustin, you're in for a treat once you get the hang of it. From what I understand the EJ D89 head is the exact same as my Muhle R89 and i have to say that I'm very pleased with my Muhle. I think the differences in the handle are mostly cosmetic, but I could be wrong. With that said, I'm sure you'll love the EJ.

I see you have Feather and Personna Red on my list and I can vouch that those are very good. Kai makes a very good razor, but they're a bit on the pricey side and I'm not sure that there's a noticeable difference between them and Feather.

I don't know much about creams as I haven't gotten around to try any of them. I use soaps because from what I understand they last a long while. I'm not sure how long a tube of cream lasts but I've been rotating between 3 soaps since last year and I've barely put a dent in any of them. I like Ogallala products but also use Tabac. I think Tabac makes a more luxurious lather and it smells good to me, but the wife doesn't care much for the scent (she says it smells like old man.) She does however love the Ogallala Bay Rum, so that's what I usually reach for because if she's happy, I'm happy. I like both though.
I started with the basic VDH soap, bowl, and boar brush and that's still what I use. I started with straight razors but also use DE. Vintage Gillette's from ebay such as Super Speeds can be had for around $15 +$9 for the VDH basic set and that's a good start.

Just getting away from the canned goo and plastic cartridges is great :) That will probably take care of your ingrown hairs as well.
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