Hello, I have been reading some reviews here as well as watching some videos from shave nation. I am ready to purchase my first kit and would like any advice on this setup. I am 34 yrs old and have only been using Gillette cartridge razors since I was around 17-18. The issue I have with these razors is that I am never satisfied with the closeness and I always get razor burn and ingrown hairs on my neck to the sides of my adams apple. I am looking to buy the setup below, what do you guys think recommend!
Safety Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89L Double Edge Saftey Razor, Lined Chrome
Razor Blades: DE Sampler pack
- Feather New Hi-Stainless Platinum (10 blades)
- Crystal or "Israeli" (10 blades)
- Derby Extra (5 blades)
- Red Israeli Personna (5 blades)
- Astra Superior Platinum (5 blades)
Shaving Cream: Bigelow Green Tube Cream vs. Proraso Green Tube Cream?
- I have only used canned goo so I am not sure the differencet between cream and soap. Do any of you have a preference?
Any suggestions on the following?
Shaving Brush?
Shaving Bowl?
Stand? - How do you all store your razor and brush?
Thanks for all your help!
Safety Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89L Double Edge Saftey Razor, Lined Chrome
Razor Blades: DE Sampler pack
- Feather New Hi-Stainless Platinum (10 blades)
- Crystal or "Israeli" (10 blades)
- Derby Extra (5 blades)
- Red Israeli Personna (5 blades)
- Astra Superior Platinum (5 blades)
Shaving Cream: Bigelow Green Tube Cream vs. Proraso Green Tube Cream?
- I have only used canned goo so I am not sure the differencet between cream and soap. Do any of you have a preference?
Any suggestions on the following?
Shaving Brush?
Shaving Bowl?
Stand? - How do you all store your razor and brush?
Thanks for all your help!