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RazoRock XXX is now officially gone per Joe!

I saw that Joe has posted on the Italian Barber facebook that RR XXX is now officially gone and that he would reveal the truth behind XXX. I have two RR XXX left in my den and from searching all the different Vendors there is no more available from what I could tell. I was a late comer to this product but when my first tub arrived it became a favorite as I loved the scent and the high quality of the lather. I will be interested to read Joe comments regarding the truth behind XXX.
I must have ordered one of the last few tubs. Mine just came in last week. Will be a sad day when I use the last of it (my second tub). For a lot of people, this is the product that introduced them to Razorock and the wonderful concept of bringing awesome products to the North American market at great prices. Now, if the artisan line is ever discontinued...I will buy in bulk and vacuum seal those!
I think it was 6 months or more when Joe first announced that XXX would no longer be produced, but that he had several thousands still available for shipping. Well, I guess I waited to late to order a few extra tubs. I also remember that when he made the announcement that he mentioned some of the other tubs might be discontinued too. Does anyone else remember that and the RR shaving soaps he mentioned?
I think I was just able to locate and secure two more tubs of XXX. I want say where until they actually ship.


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I won't be purchasing and don't plan on hoarding any, so see no harm in posting these for the people who are going to be using it and not profiting off it on the BST.

i have no affiliation with any of these companies, in fact i've never heard of most of them. not sure if their stock is "up to date", but it's worth trying if you are in the market for some XXX

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Sorry, was not trying to hoard but I just want to make sure they do actually have the XXX as I have yet to get a confirmation from the american shaving company. I have experienced a site advertising that a product is available only to find out usually 24hrs later that it is no longer in stock.


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Sorry, was not trying to hoard but I just want to make sure they do actually have the XXX as I have yet to get a confirmation from the american shaving company. I have experienced a site advertising that a product is available only to find out usually 24hrs later that it is no longer in stock.

no, i wasn't inferring you were hoarding. i'm guessing since your order is in, any orders that come in after will be in line after you.

hope you guys can find some.
I may be the minority on this but I think it's a inferior product when compared to ADP IMHO.
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If anyone is truly heartbroken over the loss of XXX, may I kindly recommend the RR La Famiglia Cumba Cheech. It is fairly similar in scent, though not as strong and more natural, and the lather is every bit as good, if not better than the XXX.

I have a few tubs of XXX pressed into a glass bowl with lid and it hardly ever gets touched anymore due to the scent and performance of the Cumba Cheech.
If you guys do have any that you want to pass along to your brother B&Bers, the BST or a PiF would be a great way to move it along. Kudos to brucered for finding some in stock for the XXX-hungry!
I would have got more myself, but it did give me a slight skin reaction. Something tells me that Joe will just find something else to blow our socks off.
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