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RazoRock Superslant views, reviews, and shaves

Third RRSS L3OC shave today. Up against the OG Merkur SS.


>two Gillette Platinums (3) loaded into:
>RazoRock Superslant L3++ OC, Ti custom
>Merkur Superslant, dressed in silver

Lubricant suite:
>vintage high tallow Williams Mug
>Rubberset 200-6
>Captain's Choice copper bowl

>Aqua Velva Ice Blue

With two Superslants and a big boy barber brush with elephant knot, I was loaded for bear. Or at least grizzled 2 day stubble.

Outstanding shave, though I'm in learning mode with each of these razors. I needed some minor touch ups, but that is on me, neither of these efficiency kings is at fault.

With a partial load of tasty tallow WM, the huge barber's beast of a Rubberset could have shaved me 5 times. It demands a bowl at least as large as the Captain's Choice copper. Shave done, I was shoving extra lather back into the loading mug.

You aren't going to find a Merkur Superslant. They are older than the hills (or the hippies). Get a RazoRock L3++ Superslant, OC or SB, and feel the wind on your face.

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
You aren't going to find a Merkur Superslant. They are older than the hills (or the hippies).

AAHHHHahahahaha! Truth, that. One thing I'd really love to write here (but you'll never see it for real) is:

I just scored a full collection of Merkur "Super Slants!" SB and OC in long and short screw!

Ahem. I need a bit of a sit-down. :)

Get a RazoRock L3++ Superslant, OC or SB, and feel the wind on your face.

I had thought the L2OC was my best. I like it a little bit better than the L3SB, mostly on account of the OC vs. SB thing I have going on. But frankly the L3SB gives good shave and it was the one I took traveling this year. Now that I've tried the L3OC I have to say that's one sweet razor. In fact, I have gotten a much closer shave from it versus that Merkur you're holding.


Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
SOTD: Monday August 5, 2024
Razor: L3OC/Timeless Ti Crown handle
Blade: Dorco Prime (2)
Brush: Omega 10005
Soap: Yardley Oatmeal & Almond

After taking it a bit slower last day, put 'er back in go gear today. :) Clocked in a pretty fast shave with no irritation, weepers or other unpleasantnesses.

Moving on to other tasks, I was thinking about the shave. "This is what the Wunderbar should have been." But, no. The Wunderbar is as it is and that's a beautiful thing. If we hadn't gone through the Wunderbar the Superslant wouldn't be what it is. In the end I'm happy to have some lovely razors.

SOTD: Monday August 5, 2024
Razor: L3OC/Timeless Ti Crown handle
Blade: Dorco Prime (2)
Brush: Omega 10005
Soap: Yardley Oatmeal & Almond

After taking it a bit slower last day, put 'er back in go gear today. :) Clocked in a pretty fast shave with no irritation, weepers or other unpleasantnesses.

Moving on to other tasks, I was thinking about the shave. "This is what the Wunderbar should have been." But, no. The Wunderbar is as it is and that's a beautiful thing. If we hadn't gone through the Wunderbar the Superslant wouldn't be what it is. In the end I'm happy to have some lovely razors.

With the Stealth series and the Wunderbar, RazoRock has shown dedication to the slant razor on a par with Fasan and Merkur.

Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements is all about mining the Fasan heritage. RazoRock is informed by the classics, but has used the versatility of CNC machining to push slant design upward to a new peak. We obsessives are benefiting from their obsession.

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
SOTD: Wednesday August 7, 2024
Razor: L3OC
Blade: Dorco Prime (3)
Brush: Omega 10005
Soap: Yardley Oatmeal & Almond

A day of going up and down the hill, checking on gardens and chickens and fooling with an irrigation controller that has been eating my brain for the last two weeks. :) Finally today I got through to a lovely Southern lady named Brandy at corporate and she explained the one little thing I did wrong that messed up the whole shebang. Embarrassing but I now understand the controller better. Actually, glad it was something I did and not a sign that I needed to saddle up and head into town to buy another $300 controller, especially after just replacing the old one this spring.

After all that it and some other tasks, like getting some bread baked off this morning, it got to be afternoon before my shave. Lovely, though.


Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
SOTY :) : Monday August 12, 2024
Razor: L3OC
Blade: Dorco Prime (4)
Brush: Omega 10005
Soap: Yardley Oatmeal & Almond

After 5 days of no shaving, fired up the Whisker Assassin. :) Wow. Coulda quit after just a WTG pass. But it's not a real shave if you don't go up as well as down, so lather up and have at 'er again...

One little nick. Lots of nice smooth real estate. Fair trade, I'd say.

L2 is right for many. L1 is probably good for an everyday multi-pass shaver or someone with easily shaved whiskers.
I ordered one with a L2++. Course that is on par with my Merkur 37 (if I read the guidance correctly) that I like so much. Now I am wondering if I should have got just an L2 as less aggressive alternative. RazoRock was smart to create so many choices after the initial purchase.
I will say this; I'm not sure a slant with an open comb is a good idea. I have an open comb Merkur 1904 (old model with a nickel finish) and that little sucker is a bit aggressive.

So how many of you guys have tried the OC SuperSlant? Do you like it enough to be your go-to?
I will say this; I'm not sure a slant with an open comb is a good idea. I have an open comb Merkur 1904 (old model with a nickel finish) and that little sucker is a bit aggressive.

So how many of you guys have tried the OC SuperSlant? Do you like it enough to be your go-to?
I expect you'll be happy with the L2++ SB, especially as you like your Merkur 37. Merkur slants have undoubtably delivered more slant shaves over their long history than all of the slant offerings of the last couple decades added together.

I have all three OC baseplates, plus the L3 and L3++ SB. I am an OC believer, primarily since the teeth allow more lather through to the blade edge. I personally don't find the feel of the teeth a problem. I do have a tough hide, so YMMV.

Yes, the OC is my go to. I should probably sell my SB plates. I just had to buy the Superslant on day one, when only SB was available.

I had hoped for an OC Wunderbar variant, but RazoRock was looking to hit it out of the park and went "super". I am perfectly satisfied with that choice, even though the extra slant limits shave angles. I believe the fine tuning of the Superslant's presentation of the blade edge took all the bite out.

As far as OC slants go, the FOCS is a very affordable entry point. However, Fatip is not obsessing about blade alignment and edge presentation. No CNC or stainless steel, either.


Cool and slimy
So how many of you guys have tried the OC SuperSlant? Do you like it enough to be your go-to?
I have the L3++ OC and @Tanuki already answered very well and in detail. You got the L2++ and given your previous razors I know about this seems to be a reasonable guess.

You are going to shave with the L2++ in a few hours or just did, so you might experience that it is a cutting type of razer, not one that is "scraping" all over the skin. It is very smooth, but higher gap and OC would make it of course more dangerous, but IMO it gives way better warning than the Wunderbar, the Superslant predecessor. The Wunderbar is even more deceptively smooth, till it slices right into the skin. The Superslant gives earlier and better warning, but maybe doesn't feel quite as supremely smooth when shaving.

My all time favorite might be the Timeless Slim .5 OC, and the Superslant L3++ OC is probably next. I don't number them, but it is among my absolute favorite razors. I gave a L3 SB away, it reminded me too much of my Wunderbar and at least I absolutely dig the L3++ OC.

And now fingers crossed that you will like this thing as well! :)


I shaved a fortune
I have the L3++ OC and @Tanuki already answered very well and in detail. You got the L2++ and given your previous razors I know about this seems to be a reasonable guess.

You are going to shave with the L2++ in a few hours or just did, so you might experience that it is a cutting type of razer, not one that is "scraping" all over the skin. It is very smooth, but higher gap and OC would make it of course more dangerous, but IMO it gives way better warning than the Wunderbar, the Superslant predecessor. The Wunderbar is even more deceptively smooth, till it slices right into the skin. The Superslant gives earlier and better warning, but maybe doesn't feel quite as supremely smooth when shaving.

My all time favorite might be the Timeless Slim .5 OC, and the Superslant L3++ OC is probably next. I don't number them, but it is among my absolute favorite razors. I gave a L3 SB away, it reminded me too much of my Wunderbar and at least I absolutely dig the L3++ OC.

And now fingers crossed that you will like this thing as well! :)
I've toyed with this silly idea for months now.... As you might remember, I started out with an L2++ and an L3....The L3 was way too much for me... I did manage to get a few decent, though a bit too close, shaves with the L2++... I ended up selling the L3 as a complete razor... and ordered an L1++OC. It worked pretty well... but was a bit too mild for me...

Now for the silly idea... I know the L2++OC would be more efficient by the stats than the L2++ that didn't work that well for me... I'm considering buying an L2++OC because I liked the way the L1++OC felt on my face. This hasn't even made it to the back burner yet... It's just been floating around my mind. <eg>

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
Now for the silly idea... I know the L2++OC would be more efficient by the stats than the L2++ that didn't work that well for me... I'm considering buying an L2++OC because I liked the way the L1++OC felt on my face. This hasn't even made it to the back burner yet... It's just been floating around my mind. <eg>

My observation of the L2++OC vs. the L3SB is that they shave very nearly the same. "Very nearly" is a bit hard to differentiate, but while the eventual result is a good shave with either one, I seem to get maybe an extra nick out of the L3SB that I don't from the L2++OC. Not sure why, unless maybe I'm putting a bit more pressure on the L3SB because of the bar. I took the L3SB on vacation this year because I wanted to have an extended run with it and also one day I was going to need a good shave with no nicks. I managed to achieve my goal but got no closer to understanding the differences I think I see.

Now I've also got the L3++OC to use. That one is noticeably more aggressive than the L2++OC, yet as others have stated also less temperamental than the Wunderbar can be. I also note that as with the Wunderbar the L3++OC is not a daily driver for me, but unlike the Wunderbar I can shave out a blade entirely (5-6 shaves) before wanting to set the razor aside for a little while.

If you still have that L1++OC, can you give it a go with a Kai blade? That may bring it up close to the L2++OC, maybe close enough to give you an idea of whether it's a step you want to take.

Today's Shave:

L3 ++ SB
Shavemac Silvertip
Polsilver (3)
Ogallala Bay Rum
Royall BayRhum

When using the L3++ SB today, there was no auditory feedback. I kept thinking that maybe I had the angle wrong-nope. 2 passes and a 3-day growth was gone lickety split. Using the big brother (L3++OC), I hear those whiskers being mowed down. It really amazed me how quiet this shave was.

I guess I have found my Ninja combo. :shuriken::shuriken::shuriken:



I shaved a fortune
My observation of the L2++OC vs. the L3SB is that they shave very nearly the same. "Very nearly" is a bit hard to differentiate, but while the eventual result is a good shave with either one, I seem to get maybe an extra nick out of the L3SB that I don't from the L2++OC. Not sure why, unless maybe I'm putting a bit more pressure on the L3SB because of the bar. I took the L3SB on vacation this year because I wanted to have an extended run with it and also one day I was going to need a good shave with no nicks. I managed to achieve my goal but got no closer to understanding the differences I think I see.

Now I've also got the L3++OC to use. That one is noticeably more aggressive than the L2++OC, yet as others have stated also less temperamental than the Wunderbar can be. I also note that as with the Wunderbar the L3++OC is not a daily driver for me, but unlike the Wunderbar I can shave out a blade entirely (5-6 shaves) before wanting to set the razor aside for a little while.

If you still have that L1++OC, can you give it a go with a Kai blade? That may bring it up close to the L2++OC, maybe close enough to give you an idea of whether it's a step you want to take.

I did try a Kai in it before I sold it.. and it did bump the efficiency up where I wanted it to be. I still couldn't manage to fall in love with it, for some reason.... I much prefer the open comb to the solid bases I've had... with or without that little step. That's why I think I might like the L2++OC, but it's still a bit of a guess... As you are well aware.... that YMMV thing always crops up.

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
As you are well aware.... that YMMV thing always crops up.

Oh, I know how that goes. :) Just hoping that the perspectives shared here might help you narrow it down, but aware that sometimes lots of information (and personal opinion) is just that; noise.

On reflection you seem to like a just-slightly milder razor than I do. I find the L2++OC a very nice regular user, delivering a good quality shave without drama in reasonable time. I also find that it can reward a bit of extra care with an even closer shave, for those times when Mr. Clean has to make a public appearance. Which is to say that I'd put a small wager down that it'd be right on your frequency.

Be interesting to see what happens...

I ordered a Superslant L2+. I hope I picked the right exposure. I used to like aggressive razors but lately I've dialed it back a little. Still, I don't like a razor that is too mild like the Henson +, ++. I hope this is going to be in the range of aggressiveness that I like.
My current razor is a Leaf Thorn. I love it.
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