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Razorock Soap and Aftershave


Looking to try some Razorock soaps from Italian Barber. Share with me your experience, which one, what scent and if you liked it or not.

Looking for feedback on both soaps and aftershaves.

The only ones I have tried so far are Classic and XXX soaps, the latter of which is not made anymore. I love them both. Haven't tried any of the aftershaves yet.
I really like the ones I've tried (Don Marco (orange) from the La Famiglia line and Third eye (sandalwood) from the Artisan line). They lather easy, smell good, and are very slick. Plus they are cheap. While I used to pretty much swear by tallow, I think the performance of the vegetable based La Famiglia stuff is equally good. I also have Nervous Wreck, which I haven't used yet, but which was a huge disappointment, as the smell is very faint. I'm sure it shaves well.

One thing I'm unclear on is whether, within lines, they are all the same soap or not. I know Razorock outsources their manufacturing to other soap makers, and I don't know if all soaps in each line are made by the same company or not (and if they are the same formula, save for the scent).
The new XX is just amazing. Awesomely slick, easy to lather, very moisturzing. Great scent, and though some think it is a bit subtle, to my nose it is quite potent.

Either of the Karite line soaps are very well regarded. You won't go wrong there.

I am also quite partial to R-160. I think it lathers like a champ, and has a very potent wonderful smell.

Each of these also has an accompanying post-shave product ... balms for the XX and the R-160, and lotion and wax for the Karite soaps.
Like Matt said just get the XX for sure - it is an elite soap up against the very best and an insane value. I have tried lots of the RR soaps and it is the best they offer. The King of the Castle line is also exceptional soap however very lightly scented. Keep in mind all of the RR line is very good but those above are the latest and best formulations. If you like lavender the King Louis has one of the best lavender scents on the market, nice and strong, lathers well.

I have tried a ton of balms including the new XX balm on to Don Marco and Nono michelino and I am not a big fan of any of the balms in the white bottles maiinly because the RR wax after shave balm is so much better. The King Louis wax and the Evil eye lime wax balm are just incredible and far better soothing and moisturizing to me than the others.
I'm very picky about my soaps, and I've tried several RazoRock ones. While all of them have had a great quality-to-price ratio, the King Louis is the only one I still use with any regularity. I used to use the matching aftershave wax, but then I tried QCS aftershave balm. Its healing properties are remarkable.

I've found that, within the RazoRock universe, performance mirrors price.
So given the option is the census to try the xx first?

what about the sandalwood scent, is that any good?
I've tried several different varieties from the Artisan line and I think they are really good. IMO the King Louis AS is also one of the best aftershaves available today.
My favorite of those I've tried was the Muguet de France (as it turns out, the one non-tallow soap in the Artisan line). I like all of them a lot, truth though. Others were Classic, XXX, Fresco, Don Marco, Brain Freeze. The lattermost was disappointingly, and decidedly, not cold and underscented. But an easy, "automatic" really, lather, and a nice perfomer in terms of slickness and cushion. And I've liked all of the others a bit more, at least.
XX is the best formulation, a nice kind of floral scent, wish is was a bit heavier. You can use this soap as a benchmark for everything out there. There are not many soaps that are better, many equal, but not many that are better.

Again the King of the castle soaps are also great but I like stronger scents and they are not strong. The sandalwood scent is great but it is a lighter more airy lather, not as protective and rich as XX and KOC.

I would say XX, KOC line, King Louis, Evil Eye lime, are the order of greatness. The rest are all similar in performance. XXX is not made anymore and you can search that whole deal but that is at the top if you ever see any for sale.

So given the option is the census to try the xx first?

what about the sandalwood scent, is that any good?
I got Cumba Cheech from the La Famiglia line. It's Orange Blossom and Jasmine. It's a good all around soap in terms of performance, but I couldn't really pick up the stated scents. Individually, I love the smell of the aforementioned scents, but mixed together was not something I was expecting.
Thanks for all the suggestions.
Can anybody explain the difference between the hard and soap version the soap?
i see one is wraped in paper and the other in a tub.
The soft soap in the tub is very easy to load and build a lather with. I think the hard soap is supposed to have a stronger scent, but I have not tried it.
I have XX and Hard Intense Bergamotto Neroli - Both provide excellent performance and easily match up with products costing twice/triple as much. The only negative I have is that the scents are more subtle than what I like. I have to stick my nose in the container to get a decent whiff. When lathering, the scent fades quite a bit - It is still there but it is way too subtle in my opinion.

As for their physical description, XX comes in a nice container and is more like a croap. My Hard Intense Bergamotto Neroli arrived wrapped in wax and reminds me of a little dried Play-doh. It is definitely not a hard puck like the English soaps.
I'm actually not sure exactly what is different in the formulation with the hard vs. soft ... but it seems like it is just different water ratios and how long the puck is allowed to cure/harden. The scents are indeed supposed to be stronger in the hard soaps. I haven't purchased any hard soaps, but from what I gather, it isn't like the hard soaps are triple milled, solid bricks, but rather just a bit firmer than the soft soaps (which many people would call croaps in the first place). Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

I personally would highly recommend the XX and Karite soaps to any and everyone. They rival absolutely any soap on the market. Some of the others - while excellent - are for me a notch below those two in quality.
I love the slick feel of the XX and it is super easy to lather, scent is extremely faint to me though, but all in all a great performing soap!
I use the Mentholipto from the Artisan series. It is tallow based and a soft soap. It is extremely great latherer and super slick. It has a good menthol kick (on my face at least) and is slightly less overwhelming as the Proraso Menthol?Eucalyptus.
Like Matt mentioned there is a 4 week cure time adding more labor with the hard soap but they are really soft to me like a croap. Something with the essential oils and cure time makes for a stronger scent which is still a bit light for me but the hard should be the better purchase for a tiny bit more.

Thanks for all the suggestions.
Can anybody explain the difference between the hard and soap version the soap?
i see one is wraped in paper and the other in a tub.
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