Sorry it took so long for the reply - long work week.
I purchased all but the Honeysuckle edt, so I have a bit of experience with these fragrances.
First off, they all have great projection and good longevity - about four or five hours easily, two more as a skin scent. They all seem to be consistent like that, none of them is smaller than the others in terms of either silage or longevity.
A few of these would be far more appropriate for women than men. Specifically the lily-of-the-valley fragrance (I know, I know, with a name like that...) which smells lovely but I can not believe it is marketed for men. It smells very similar to Curve Crush for women, albeit with a bit more depth. Very, very sweet, very floral. I mention this because I wonder why they sell it to men. I can't imagine any man (sweeping statement, but this stuff is as girlie as can be) pulling this off. It is a very nice fragrance, but not on a man.
Violet gets a little better. I can pull it off, but it still is a bit iffy. I wear Eau de Cartier on occasion, and I love the violet note in that. If you know that fragrance, imagine the violet amped up by a power of four. Still more on the feminine side, but it is wearable in casual situations, hot weather mostly. To its credit, it does smell like violets - but that's pretty much all you'll get from this soliflore.
Colonia Provenzale is a good scent, but not for me. It has fair depth and a nice clean vibe - the top has a strong soap note that wears well. Unfortunately there's something else in there - I can't put my finger on it - that reads a little too 'old man'. Just an old people smell (I'm 45). I know that sounds strange, and I wish I could describe it better, but darn if this does not evoke dandies in their seventies. I tried, but even my girlfriend said she didn't care for it. Oddly, it is a well blended fragrance - just too darn 'old'. Not old in a vintage Martin guitar way, but in an 'grandpop smells' way. Sorry for not being able to get more specific.
Sandalwood is pretty good, but not a straight sandalwood. I like it but never wear it. It has a few off notes in it that sort of send it into its own space, which is nice, but a bit too strong for my taste. Go easy on the sprayer and it might work well for you. But if you're looking for just a straight 'sandalwood', you might be disappointed.
Wow, I really sound tougher on these than I should - it's a little strange... they are all high quality, very strong and long lasting, and the price is amazing... but I just can't wear them (with the exception of violet, which I'm guessing would get too girlie for most guys - I just happen to love the smell of violets and go real light on application). Honestly, I'd say go for it. Steer clear of lily-of-the-valley and maybe the violet if you want a masculine fragrance (that lily-of-the-valley is more feminine than most womens' perfume), or do what I did and buy a bunch since they're so inexpensive (I also collect fragrance). I recommend the sandalwood with reservations, and the violet if you like that note and have the cajones to pull it off. Hope this helps.
Thanks very much for your input. I am still on the fence with these, The colonia provenzale sounded appealing but I am 25 so it will probably be too old man. The violet got a lot more interesting sounding though.
Great feedback Michael, I was definitely curious about these as well as I enjoy purchasing some of the less popular, low cost, high quality frags on the market. FYI Saint Charle's Shave Sandalwood is an excellent strictly-sandalwood frag that imo is wonderful, warm and creamy and might be more what you were looking for when you made your Razorock Sandalwood purchase. But all of these sound "okay."