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razor not sliding easiily

hi, I have just bought a muhle R89 as a first DE razor. I am using mitchells wool fat soap and get a good lather going and the shave is great but when I get to my chin there is no glide. my razor grips the skin and bumps along, yet everywhere else it glides. It doesn't always happen but it is very annoying when it does. Has anyone got any tips?
Aside from maybe only the neck, the chin is arguably the toughest area to shave. What it sounds like is that your angle is off a bit, which easily happens based on the complex contours. Focus on blade angle and don't be afraid to take short strokes.
Welcome to B&B!

Try loading more soap. Usually the problem you describe means that the lather is too thin, so more soap should fix it.
hi, I have just bought a muhle R89 as a first DE razor. I am using mitchells wool fat soap and get a good lather going and the shave is great but when I get to my chin there is no glide. my razor grips the skin and bumps along, yet everywhere else it glides. It doesn't always happen but it is very annoying when it does. Has anyone got any tips?

I too, have an R89 and have the same problem no matter what razor I use - SA, Ranger Tech, Schick Injector, or G-Bar. My chin is just too prune-like, so I have to stretch out the wrinkles and watch the blade angle. Another thing that helps is to smooth out the skin with a balm of some sort, Nivea does a pretty good job.
Aside from maybe only the neck, the chin is arguably the toughest area to shave. What it sounds like is that your angle is off a bit, which easily happens based on the complex contours. Focus on blade angle and don't be afraid to take short strokes.

+1 The only other infallible solution is called a goatee. If I end up with a smooth chin, dimple and all, I have had a very fine shave regardless of the conditions anywhere else. And that includes the presence of open wounds not requiring stitches.
Aside from maybe only the neck, the chin is arguably the toughest area to shave. What it sounds like is that your angle is off a bit, which easily happens based on the complex contours. Focus on blade angle and don't be afraid to take short strokes.

DING DING DING! Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we have a winner! :lol:

Seriously, that's exactly what I was thinking. Nice work, Dustin!!;thumbup:
thank you all. I will keep going by trying the angle and making sure the lather is not dry. I am starting to enjoy shaving again - its not just a chore.
Yep, angle and good lather. When I start to feel the chatter/bump, I stop and re-evaluate my blade angle. Usually my angle is off.
I've run into this myself. Try loading the brush then transfer directly to your chin area. The density of the soap which will be a super thin paste should offer you plenty of glide.
I was also thinking angle first off. But about the Mitchell's Wool Fat, I think it can look like a good lather and still be too dry, and the friction between the razor and skin will be noticeable. It takes a lot of water, and when done right it will be nice a slippery and the razor will easily slide on the skin.
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