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Razor bumps not responding to bump patrol

I am African American, I use electric razors for shaving and I have been using bump patrol to deal with razor bumps.
In the last few weeks I have noticed an increase in razor bumps despite which seem not to respond to razor bump patrol .
Is there any other cream that I can use?
I have no first hand knowledge, but have heard that TendSkin has been used effectively. A quick google search will point you to how to make it yourself fairly inexpensively.

Of course, being here, I have to ask if you have ever tried a DE razor. Many African Americans like it as it slices the hair, as opposed to the tug and pull that electrics and cartridge systems use. The tug and pull often is what leads to ingrown hairs and razor bumps.
This works for me and is very inexpensive:

I take a regular aspirin tablet and put a drop of water on it. When it is soft, I mash it into a paste. Then I apply the paste to the razor bumps and let it sit for a few minutes. Then I wash it off. This also works great for pimples, too. The salicylic acid in the aspirin is the same active ingredient in Tend-Skin.

I also found that a single edge razor (like the Gem 1912) also gives me less razor burn than a regular double edge razor. Best of luck to you, I can certainly sympathize.
I used bump patrol for a long time and it was ok, but not great, and expensive for the amount you get. I switched over to Stridex or store brand acne pads which have 2% salicylic acid, which is what anti bump solutions are and they work great. 90 pads for 3.00 dollars.
Ditch that electric and your face will thank you in the long run also.
I would give a DE a shot. I have a friend of mine that struggled with the same issue, switched his method of shaving and the difference is remarkable. If you are set on using an electric, maybe try a different product other than bump patrol. When my father was aging and taking blood thinners he had to use an electric razor, he had to really moisturize well to keep from getting bumps. If you are getting "razor bumps" not acne, maybe try a moisturizing aftershave. Good Luck!
Stop shaving the affected area for two weeks at least. Use tend skin or a home made version three times per day. After you resume shaving, use tend skin or a home made version as an aftershave (and before bed until all irritation goes away). This worked for me. Do not press too hard when shaving, regardless of whether you use. Blade or an electric Shaver. For temporary relief inbetween tend skin applications, especially if you have oily skin, apply corn starch to the affected areas, leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off with cold water.My home made version consists of 6 uncoated aspirin tablets crushed, 1.5 oz of isopropyl alcohol, .5 oz witchhazel, and about 1/2 teaspoon of liquid glycerin. I put it in a spray bottle, shake to dissolve and mix, shake before each use and just spray it on the affected area, rub it in gently if needed. This worked for me.
Welcome to B&B! Hope yo get the answers your looking for. On to your question....

I have a friend who is African American and shaves with a straight. Cured his bumps and gets a bbs shave everyday. He said it was the best decision he ever made.
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