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Razor bump vs Razor burn

razor burn is where you have taken off a bit of your top layer of skin, a razor bump is generally an ingrown hair (when the hair top falls below the surface of the skin and can't grow correctly)
Oh I see.

How can I tell if I have an ingrown hair? I have some bumps on my face, but I don't know if it's irritation or acne.
I haven't suffered from ingrowns myself so I can't help you there, sorry. I'm sure somebody will chime in soon enough that can be of assistance.
Mine usually look like a little zit, but if you look closely there is a little hair growing under the skin in the middle of the zit... I had one yesterday.
Generally and ingrown hair is a hair that has either grown back into the skin or has curled back into itself prior to penetrating the outer layer of skin. Bumps for me are the results of the ingrown where there is irritaion or in some cases infection and is the result of that reaction. Some burn then occurs as this irritated skin has a layer shaved off of it.
I've only had a couple of ingrown hairs in all the years I've been shaving. What I usually do is kind of open the skin, pick, scratch, whatever, and pull the hair out with a tweezers. Then dab at it with rubbing alcohol. It'll sting some, but that takes care of it. It just dries up and heals. That works for me, YMMV. :001_tongu
razor burn is where you have taken off a bit of your top layer of skin, a razor bump is generally an ingrown hair (when the hair top falls below the surface of the skin and can't grow correctly)

A razor bump is just skin irritation, like a pimple, small cuts that get infected or even just some inflammed skin. Can be caused by many things - bad prep, allergies to a product, bad technique.

Ingrown hairs are exactly what they sound like - a hair that's growing underneath the skin. If you had one, you'd know it!
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