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Razor Blades as a New Forum

Just noticed that Razor Blades has been taken out of a subtopic of razors and given a topic of its own! Like the change, particularly since there seems to be so much discussion about blades. Am I correct or is this temporary - or is something wrong with my browser?
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Yeah, it's windows and it is back to the way it was. I clicked on the "General Shaving Talk heading at the top left hand corner and it expanded. My bad.
It was a muggy Thursday morning, and Mr. Safety Razor Blades was half-asleep and more than half-hungover. Wondering what sin he had committed to be forced into such mind-numbing middle management drudgery, he slouched to his desk and collapsed into his chair. Watching the memos populate on his screen did nothing to improve his mood.

Mr. Safety Razor Blades rested his forehead on his palm and sighed.

"What's up, Blades?" came a friendly voice, accompanied by a slap on the back. "I just heard. Congratulations!"

Mr. Safety Razor Blades twisted around in his chair, puzzled, and watched Mr. General Shaving Discussion walk away with a grin. The BST called across the room, "Looks like you caught that break after all, man!"

""Guess Blades is too good for the rest of us, now," responded the Haberdashery from the other side of the office. Good-natured laughter followed.

"Wait... what? What are you all talking about?" Mr. Safety Razor Blades was terribly confused. He turned to his supervisor, Mr. Safety Razor, with a helpless look.

"You got promoted to Forum, Blades! It's been a long time coming, too." Mr. Safety Razor Blades checked his memo, and, miracle of miracles, it was true! He sat up straighter in his chair, and a glimmer of hope made his heart swell. Maybe his life was taking a turn for the better! He couldn't remember the last time he'd been truly happy, but this was definitely it.

A couple of hours later, Mr. Method Shaving made his way to Mr. Safety Razor Blades' cubicle to offer his congratulations. Mr. Safety Razor Blades was gone, and he had left a note of resignation on his keyboard. Shocked, Mr. Method Shaving raised his eyes to the monitor, and read:

Dear Mr. Safety Razor Blades,

A recent glitch in our software recently listed you as a Forum instead of a sub-Forum. This has been corrected. We are sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused.

The Management

Mr. Method Shaving crumpled the resignation note and sat heavily in the chair. He had lost a good friend, and was wondering what sin he had committed to be forced into such mind-numbing middle management drudgery...
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