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Razor Blade Sampler Pack

I have just ordered a sampler pack. Does anyone have recommendations as to how to go about reviewing the different blades? I have several different types. Do I change a blade after one use? Use multiple times before changing? Go through the entire pack of blades before changing? I have been a bit frustrated with Merkur and Feather blades so far. I also use a Merkur Futur razor. Thanks.
Here is what I am doing and what seems to be the general recommendation:

* Write a list (I use Excel) of each blade type you are getting.

* Search the reviews and other posts for each blade and make a note of the "rating" as to mild/forgiving to aggressive/unforgiving.

* Pick a blade and use at least two of them to get a decent idea of how the blade works for your razor/beard/technique combination.

* Keep a daily shave journal in Notepad or whatever. Just a few sentences as to your impression of the blade and how it feels to you. Since it will take a while to get through all of the 2 per type shaves, you want to be able to read what your impression of blade X was while you were actually using it instead of relying on memory.

* Go through all of the types in your sampler doing the above.

* Once you've tried all of the types, review your shave journal notes and narrow in on which ones you liked the best.

* Create a "sports elimination rounds" chart of the ones you like the best and then use them in a blade to blade comparison.

You should have enough blades of each type in your sampler to do all of the above and narrow in on the one you like best.

Repeat all of the above for each razor you end up getting since blades can work differently for each razor.

Good Luck and have lots of fun as you go!!
I have just ordered a sampler pack. Does anyone have recommendations as to how to go about reviewing the different blades? I have several different types. Do I change a blade after one use? Use multiple times before changing? Go through the entire pack of blades before changing? I have been a bit frustrated with Merkur and Feather blades so far. I also use a Merkur Futur razor. Thanks.

I'd plan on doing at least three shaves with a given blade and probably at least two blades of a given type, just to get used to it.

You're welcome to pursue Jonnie's methodology [though just between you and me, what he describes is a little bit beyond the general recommendation]. :smile: I haven't had time to try all of my razors yet. I don't think I'll live long enough to try every combination of blade and razor.

- Chris


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I guess we all work differently on this. I usually use the whole pack before I write a review so I have a consistent idea on how the blade works.

Once the pack is finished, I move to blade #2.

Also, if a blade doesn't work well today it might be better in a different razor or in 6 months when your technique improves...
Welcome to B&B!

Some good advice is given.

Number of shaves per blade depends on you as well as the blade; some guys use a blade per shave and others go beyond 6 or 7 shaves with a single blade. When the tugging and irritation starts it is time to change it (or rather, just before).

There is another theory that says; stick to one type of blade till you got your shaving technique down. It will be hard to choose between blades as long as every shave still gives you nicks and razorburn.

I just finished sampling my own razor blade sample pack and had a few thoughts. First of all I am a rookie, and I'm also using a shavette, not a DE, so things might be different for you.

I would advise that once you pop in a blade you should use it until it's done. Some blades have longer lives than others and this might be a factor when you ultimately select your "go to". Also you will need at least 2 tries with a blade to get the feel for it. Finally some blades are actually better the second time around.

I did not go so far as to make any lists or journals about the blades, but you should at least keep a mental note of why you did or didn't like a blade, i.e. sharpness, forgiveness, flexibility etc.

I agree that you should have a 'tournament' style competition among your favorite blades afterwards, that is what I'm doing right now between Astra and Personna.
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