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Razor blade recommendation for SWMBO

So, I bought the girlfriend a lady gillette but now I need suggestions as to a blade that would work well for her. She's just starting out so something smooth, forgiving, and not overly sharp would be best. Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Hum... I particularly like 7'Oclock Permasharps (Indian greens), but they are rather sharp. Can't beat their smoothness in my opinion, though. A lot of people, I think, would say Derby's because they are such a middle of the road razor in sharpness and smoothness. I always go the impression that they seem to be the baseline for good blades. If I were you I'd hit shaveabuck and just buy a bunch of different blades, or see if you can find a sampler somewhere that looks decent for your needs.
I got a Blue Star for my wife....the few times she has used it I always put a derby in it. She has never had so much as a nic. I still can't convince her it's safer than the throw aways she hacks herself up with...go figure:confused1... Anyway..I say Derby.

My wife has tried four or five different brands of blades in her 1967 Lady Gillette, and always comes back to Meijer (ASR) blades. They cut smoothly without grabbing hairs.
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