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Razor Blade for Tradere OC

I am ordering a Tradere open comb and planning to order some more blades for trial and error. I know my DE89 pairs beautifully with Feather as many B&B'ers have noted as well. So I am wondering if the Tradere OC has a blade that it typically pairs well with.

Thanks in advance for any input.

They usually ship with a couple Personna med preps. Best shave I got from mine was a Gillette Dark Blue. Razor was a little to aggressive for me, so I switched to the SB model which can shave with anything I have tried so far.
Thanks Ryan, I've added the Blues to my order! Definitely a bit worried that the Tradere may be too aggressive.
Thanks Ryan, I've added the Blues to my order! Definitely a bit worried that the Tradere may be too aggressive.
For most, it's a manageable razor and gives a great shave. My suggestion, if you're worried that it may be too aggressive, is try some Personna Reds. Great blade that's very forgiving. I haven't found a razor yet that they don't work well in. Once you're comfortable with the razor, move to sharper blades that are still known to be smooth, like the Med Preps, 7 o'clock Yellows or Blacks or Blues. You should be fine. Its a great razor.
Definitely a YMMV thing here, although here are my results to date:

1) Persona Reds
2) Super Iridium
big gap
3) Persona Labs
Feathers, both Astras, Super Iridium, and Kai have all been great for me. Shark SC was good too, but noticeably not as good as the others.
I have had my OC for a couple weeks now.
For me, the Gillette Black India blades work so well that I haven't tried anything else.
I usually use Personna Labs to try any razor, and I see no reason to change that. I have had 4-5 shaves with my Tradere OC, all with Labs, all with amazing results.
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