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Raw, Irritated Neck? - try this for $4, works for me

I've been suffering with razor burn on my neck for 20 years. I've tried cold water shaving, working on pressure, angle, mapping beard growth, not overshaving, reducing the number of passes and nothing has worked. I've also tried lots of different shaving creams and soaps to no avail.

Recently someone on this forum suggested to try Tend Skin because it had worked for them. Being the cheap-- ahh -- frugal person I am I googled the formula to make my own and found an instructional video on youtube.

It's basically a solution of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, witch hazel, and crushed uncoated aspirin. I added some glycerin to help counter the drying effect of the alcohol. You just apply it to the irritated areas up to 3 times a day. All the ingredients cost about $4 at my local drug store using the store brands.

I just started using it yesterday but cannot believe the difference. I've never had a 'normal' skin colored neck after shaving, it's always been red and irritated. Just a few hours after applying the mixture, my neck looks like normal skin. I truly wouldn't believe it unless I saw it myself.

So if you're suffering with 'angry neck syndrome' this is certainly worth a shot. I hope it works for you, too. I just wish I found this 2 decades ago.
Interesting...uncoated? Well, I know if you go to the Dollartree, you can get all of these ingredients for $3 so this is quite interesting. Thanks for this post I'm gonna research now :thumbup:
Yup. You and I are in the same boat. I do this as well.

After using tend skin for the first time I was blown away. Only problem was that I wasn't going to pay the price that they want for it, so decided to make my own.
I just did some reading on this, it seems like this has been a recipe used by women for a long time, not to mention Acetylsalicylic Acid is an ingredient in Tend Skin (Aspirin).

Oh wait, I'm allergic to asprin.
Never mind.
Interesting...uncoated? Well, I know if you go to the Dollartree, you can get all of these ingredients for $3 so this is quite interesting. Thanks for this post I'm gonna research now :thumbup:

I think they specify uncoated to help it dissolve. The uncoated tables when crushed dissolved very quickly.
It's in a lot of acne stuff, I know it's in neutrogena I get that or the cheaper store equivalent.

Just in case you're like me and too lazy, look for an astringent or face wash etc (most likely it will be for acne) and make sure it just has salicylic acid.

But to the OP thanks!! This is actually really cool IMO, this could be used as just an astringent/face cleanser for someone with acne and I know when I had acne and bought them from the store it was somewhere around $7-8, may be cheaper now but still not super cheap and this sounds like it would make a few bottles worth!
I don't know a ton but according to my girlfriends aunt who is a cosmetologist, alcohol and witch Hazel is only an astringent (closes pores), it is not used for treating razor burns according to her.
Although it does prevent acne by being an astringent.

Salicylic acid is a known treatment for razorburn, bumps and ingrown hair. Alcohol and witch hazel as well.
im pretty sure you can used crushed up aspirin as a styptic just in case you run out.

Ive never tried this myself, but I've read about it before and I have a post shave product that contains aspirin so it seems credible.
Here is the recipe I followed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0ikPJIJXMs

Take 1/3 cup of 70% rubbing alcohol and add 9 crushed 325mg uncoated asipirin. Stir until they dissolve.
Take 3tbs of witch hazel and add 4 crushed aspirin. Stir until they dissolve.
Combine the alcohol solution and the witch hazel solution.
I added a few drops of glycerin to mine to help with the drying effect of the alcohol.
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Pipskicks-- you're right. I should have noted that for the $4 you'll probably get a lifetime supply. :thumbup:

In terms of saving money...jeez I wonder how much I spent on just those acne cleansing pads and just acne medication. This sounds like you could put it in a seal-able jar with a bunch of cotton pads, and you then have those expensive acne wipes. If only I knew how easy it was when I was really buying those a lot!
I am glad this came up, I was browsing recipes yesterday for Tend Skin. I have the same problem as the OP. Does anyone know where one can buy glycerin locally?
I found it at my local Drug Mart. It took a while to find it, the employees didn't know that they carried it. I think it was the pharmacist who finally showed me where it was.
Yes, asprin is in Tend Skin.... It's what makes it work. Read about it on their website. I've tried a few different homemade remedies and copies of the TS formula. Yes, they work. Heck, a bottle of TS is only like $8, I think. Last a good long time. I've been in several conversations with the guy that invented TS, too. Great guy with a sincere passion for his product. He was livid someone sold me an expired bottle, passed it off as being okay. He sent me a bottle, gratis to make up for this. I do think he called that vendor and had a come to Jesus meeting. Says a lot about the quality of a product. If the homemade stuff isn't working for you, you may do yourself a favor and try the original. If it's working, cool.
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