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Rationale behind alcohol-based AS?

No stupid questions right?

What is the reasoning behind using alcohol-based aftershaves? From the popularity on this forum as well as the real world I am sure there is a reason for it. But i just can't see it.

For myself I find that after shaving my face is in need of moisturizing, not further drying out by using alcohol. What benefits does it provide?

Don't take this the wrong way. I'm not questioning it's use, just trying to understand.

It seems to be that the alcohol is used to clean and disinfect then. Is this the sole reason?

Certainly, there are other ingredients in the AS that protect your face but would these not be present in a cream or balm that is alcohol free?
I don't know why everyone else does it, but I get zits with moisturizing balm, and stay clear with the AS-and it's not that I've got oily skin, either, so that isn't it.

Plus, I get enough nicks and the like that the disinfectant never really goes amiss.

Feel the burn!
Well alcohol is a common solvent in most perfumes and as said before it has disinfectant properties but I think the former is the main reason it's used in aftershaves. It will tend to strip oils of the skin and in fact is anticoagulant so I guess in a number of ways it's not something that's ideal. It can be bracing though!
I use an alcohol-based splash and often follow that up with a alcohol-free balm. Best of both worlds!

+1! I do exactly the same thing! Usually Old Spice AS (lots of alcohol) because it's cheap, so it can kill any bacteria, etc that gets introduced by shaving or still remains after shaving. After that dried, I use a really moisturizing AS like Weleda. Face feels _wonderful_ after that.
the cold sting is an amazing feeling and using Acohol aftershaves rather than balms clears up my skin a lot! might just be because im young but i dont know
I don't really understand alcohol based AS - when I shave I use a soap and then proceed to remove a very fine layer of skin along with the whiskers. Is there harmful bacteria under this layer of skin? Is soap full of harmful bacteria? Doesn't cold clean water close the pores? I find when I do use alcohol based aftershaves I get a very dry face so I need to use a balm after - so now I skip the alcohol, let the bacteria live, do a cold rinse, and treat my poor skin to a nice soothing balm and my face feels great! :biggrin:
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