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Rank your favorite product classes

Mine are, in order of my enjoyment:

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Interesting way to think about this hobby.

For me:
Aftershave splashes and balms


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
Wow! I have no idea.

Are these choices for the items already in my den? I'm not even sure that helps much.

I can't even begin this exercise. I think they're all equal.
Since I've figured out my likes and dislikes on razors my list in order of enjoyment is:

Everything else
I would be taking a different approach say: straight over DE over cartridge, two band over best over horse over boar, creams over soft soap over hard soap on so on... Each of the resulting combinations aiming to give a great shave. Hard to put the razor ahead of the soap or brush as each is essential to the overall process and outcome. Perhaps I am rambling...


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I use the same razor virtually every day I'm home. Does that make it at the top of the list, or at the bottom (since I no longer think about the choice)?
I'm not sure how to respond to this.

There are three things that make this enjoyable for me. Scent, Feel and Irritation free shaves. While the Feel of the lather, brush, razor and blade has a direct relationship with Irritation free shaves, the scent of the aftershaves and soaps are what keeps me shaving every day as I have no job and could grow a beard if my wife permits. I really don't think I could rank anything as first, second, third,. etc..
I find I've settled in on a razor I like and a blade. I have a few brushes but usually use one, and only one aftershave. Soaps and creams are my guilty pleasure. I love trying new ones and finding g great new scents.

Never thought about it, but I'm curious to everyones reply's

1) Blade: If I don't have a sharp blade and my hairs are being tugged and pulled and not being cut. It's going to be a miserable shave.

2) Soap/Cream: Need to have good lather and sking protection. Post shave feel gets bonus points as well.

3) Aftershave: I always look forward to a nice splash of aftershave when I'm done shaving. I enjoy a mild alchohol burn and the way my skin feels afterwords.

4) Razor: I have a few different razors in my rotation now and can get quality shaves with them.

5) Brush: To be honest. This is one area that I need to explore more. I've been using my original Omega 10005 boar that was PIF'd 5 months ago. It's been a great starter brush and didn't feel the need to add another until recently. I have 2 more in route as well. A good performing brush that feels nice on your face is a must.
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An interesting thread. I do believe our preferences do not stay static. Be that as it may, here's mine:

Soaps & creams - I prefer creams but SSAD has kicked in recently.
Brushes - I have my favorites but still enjoy picking up a new brush from time-to-time
DE razors - Not really interested in trying new DE razors. I own 8 or 9. My Weber arc is, and always will be, my favorite
Blades - I have my favorites, but sometimes enjoy trying a blade that folks have recently espoused
Aftershave/ after shave balm - Mostly use balms and have enough to last me for awhile.
Hmm. Mine probably change more frequently than I realize. I may have to generalize a bit:

1. DE Razors
2. Soaps
3. Aftershaves
4. Fragrances
5. Creams
6. Brushes
7. Straights
8. Blades

Soaps are the only thing I really care much about anymore. I'm trying to figure out a good rotation of 4-6 soaps and creams. I'd like to eventually get a Gillette Slim adjustable and a good silvertip, but right now I'm fine with my one razor, my Omega boar brush, my hundred pack of Sharks, and my alum, witch hazel, and Dove ASB.
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