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Questions About Pal Injecto Matic

I have one and like it. For me it's similar to the G type Schick--not too aggressive, solidly built, easy to clean.

It has been very different from my experience with the PAL adjustable injector, which seemed unreliable and a little scary. I like aggressive injectors, but that one seemed unpredictable and not as well built.
Thanks, that's good info. I like the G Type, so maybe I'll give the Injecto Matic a shot. Interestingly, I recently acquired a Pal adjustable and I also find it to be a bit "adventurous". However, I used a Chinese Schick blade for the first time in it, so I don't want to pass judgment too quickly -- but it definitely has a different feel than the non-adjustable Schick models I have been using.
I have one and like it. For me it's similar to the G type Schick--not too aggressive, solidly built, easy to clean.

It has been very different from my experience with the PAL adjustable injector, which seemed unreliable and a little scary. I like aggressive injectors, but that one seemed unpredictable and not as well built.

I concur on both comments...
I like the Inject-O-Matic. Shaves like a type G. Quality is maybe a little poorer than the Schick, but not by much. Old injectors are mostly stamped metal and plastic of some type. The Pal adjustable starts out aggressive. I haven't been motivated to give it a go at a higher setting.
I have one of the non adjustables that I bought from whydert. I like the way it shaves, similar to an E or G, but I prefer the handles on the Schicks. Cool looking razors though.
I have a Pal Injecto-matic that was made in UK - were all Pals UK made or was there a USA company too - or is the UK company a subsidiary of a USA parent company?

Anyway, I would agree that it's a good forgiving shaver
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