So I was reading through the reviews section on safety razors and came across the bump fighter. This had me intrigued as I'm still struggling with a bit of irritation on my neck.
The concept behind the razor seems like a pretty sound idea: cut the hair but don't cut it short enough to cause irritation, and the system makes sure you do just that.
However, several reviewers also mentioned that it takes track 2 blades and several people bought it just for this. Are the track 2 blades something completely different from the blades that the designers intended to be used with the handle? What I mean by this is when you say "track 2" blades are you referring to a generic type of blade such as DE blades or cartridge blades? OR, are you referring to the specific type of blades that were designed to cut hair without touching skin, thereby reducing irritation?
Apologies if this is somewhat confusing. Basically, I'm thinking of picking up one of these but wouldn't know what type of blades to buy with it. I want the blades that are supposed to reduce irritation but it seems like not all track 2 blades are created equal.
Thanks a lot
The concept behind the razor seems like a pretty sound idea: cut the hair but don't cut it short enough to cause irritation, and the system makes sure you do just that.
However, several reviewers also mentioned that it takes track 2 blades and several people bought it just for this. Are the track 2 blades something completely different from the blades that the designers intended to be used with the handle? What I mean by this is when you say "track 2" blades are you referring to a generic type of blade such as DE blades or cartridge blades? OR, are you referring to the specific type of blades that were designed to cut hair without touching skin, thereby reducing irritation?
Apologies if this is somewhat confusing. Basically, I'm thinking of picking up one of these but wouldn't know what type of blades to buy with it. I want the blades that are supposed to reduce irritation but it seems like not all track 2 blades are created equal.
Thanks a lot