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Question regarding shave soap

Hello Gents,

I've been shaving with a DE for a couple years now- dad gave me my first one when I was 17. With that being said he always got me soaps from a local retailer who handcrafts 100% vegetable based glycerin soap (large variety). When I initially started shaving, I was experiencing a lot of irritation. Now that I have my routine down I experience much less irritation but I still feel like the soap itself is keeping me away from the perfect shave. I have VERY sensitive skin that reddens and drys out instantly if the wrong product/chemical touches it. Lately I've been doing OCM a couple times a week (which I love) and I'll do a quick shave with EVOO every now and then when I'm in a hurry. It's a smooth shave and my skin is surely less irritated afterwards, but I still feel like nothing beats a true shave. My underlying question is will I experience that much of a difference transitioning from the shave soap I use now to a more luxurious soap such as Hugo Naturals line? If so why? The reason I'm so skeptical is because almost any OTC product dries out my skin and I HAVE NOT experienced a face/body wash or shave soap that hasn't had some kind of drying/irritating effect on my skin (Other than OCM). I've used high-end face/body washes but I never tried high-end shave soaps- is there much of difference between high-end shave soaps and high-end face/body washes?


There's no straight answer to that question, since there's as much variety in shaving soaps as in anything else.
That said, most quality soaps are constructed to moisturize and protect the skin, so they tend not be drying.
You should try an established shaving cream instead of soaps. Proraso would be a good one. I think the creams are a bit less drying than soaps, but it is variable with brands. If you get a good shave with the cream then stop using that kind of soap. There may be other soaps that will work, but if you don't get irritation with a reputable cream then you have your answer.

You should try an established shaving cream instead of soaps. Proraso would be a good one. I think the creams are a bit less drying than soaps, but it is variable with brands. If you get a good shave with the cream then stop using that kind of soap. There may be other soaps that will work, but if you don't get irritation with a reputable cream then you have your answer.

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He mentioned he has very sensitive skin. I'm not sure Proraso or any other heavy menthol/eucalyptus product is such a good idea. I'd try some Taylor's of Old Bond Street (TOBS) Avocado cream, it's extraordinarily slick and moisturizing and stupidly easy to whip into a perfect lather, some tend to not like the scent but I find it pleasant, sort of like honeysuckles and fresh cut grass with a hint of cucumber.
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