I have a question to you who have the big bucks or the good fortune to have one of the Gillette toggle razors.(And who actually USE it, not just admire it!) On the standard TTO's like the fat boys, slims, etc. one can feel a resistance after the TTO mechanism reaches a certain point, and then after about 1/4 turn additional, which requires a bit more effort, the blade is "set" in the head. And this requires some effort to bend the blade to conform to the head curvature. The older three piece types of course use a screw mechanism to tighten the head on the blade. The toggle uses a different mechanism, apparently a lever type mechanism to "set" the blade. I was wondering if this lever mechanism is as efficient in "setting" the blade properly, or if there is a bit more "play" in the blade because it is not sufficiently conformed to the razor's head curvature. This may become more apparent with age as the lever becomes stretched or looser.
Do any of you toggle users note any such difference between the toggle and standard TTO's ? I am curious because I am a user not a collector primarily, and I would want any razor, especially such an expensive one, to function properly.
Do any of you toggle users note any such difference between the toggle and standard TTO's ? I am curious because I am a user not a collector primarily, and I would want any razor, especially such an expensive one, to function properly.