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Question on Gillette New

I recently bought a razor at an antique store. I think I've identified it as an open comb (short) Gillette New thanks to the shave wiki. The cap is copper and the handle looks to be copper too but the spot at the top of the handle is gold.

I just assumed that the gold plating had worn off. It shaves great.

Today I saw a razor on the Worth Point site that was a match for mine but it was described as copper and brass.

Does anyone know if there was a model manufactured with the copper exposed?

Worthpoint just gives you titles that sellers thought up. If a seller lists a copper and brass jillette razor, worthpoint would show you a copper and brass jillette.
To my knowledge, Gillette never sold an unfinished copper and brass razor.
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Thanks. Good to know that about Worth Point. I don't subscribe but it frequently pops up when you are searching for something using Google.
While Gillette never made a bare copper or brass razor, many of the New caps are made of copper and polish up beautifully once the gold plating wears off.

I did use some Flitz on it and it looked great. It does stain pretty quickly with use. I'm surprised about the quality of the shave I get with it. The handle also has a coppery look to it except for that one spot near the top.
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