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Question for SE and Injector guys

Have you noticed your BBS SE/inj shaves lasting longer (hand feel-wise) than your DE BBS shaves? I've been suspecting this for awhile and so set out to prove it to myself yesterday. Yes indeedy, my DE shave yesterday (fully BBS) was considerably rough early this morning. On average, I'd say my SE shaves stay smoother for about 6 hours longer than my DE shaves, with both starting out BBS. I can't begin to explain it as it makes no sense at all, but it's a fact! Any ideas why?
This question comes up on occasion, and while some "non-believers" (AKA: non SE users:lol:) try to argue that BBS is BBS no matter what razor was used, SE BBS shaves do last longer. There's just no way around it:001_smile
This question comes up on occasion, and while some "non-believers" (AKA: non SE users:lol:) try to argue that BBS is BBS no matter what razor was used, SE BBS shaves do last longer. There's just no way around it:001_smile

I figure it had, but have not seen anyone ask about it lately.

That's the way my mind works too: BBS = BBS, no matter how you get it. So why the SE BBS feels like it lasts longer than DE BBS is totally illogical. Yet there it is.
I haven't shaved long enough with SEs (Injector in my case) to really give an opinion, so far both seem to last equally long.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
My feelings are that nothing matches an injector for a first pass, and nothing beats a DE for the final touchup pass. Can't tell you how many times I've used both in the same session.
I've noticed that SE shaves remove a fine layer of skin, so yes... the shave lasts longer.

I'm just kidding. I'll give it some more practice, but so far I'm a heretic on this thread.
My feelings are that nothing matches an injector for a first pass, and nothing beats a DE for the final touchup pass. Can't tell you how many times I've used both in the same session.


Especially for people with thick, dense, coarse beards, the major frustration of a DE is that after the first pass it feels like virtually nothing has happened. After one pass, my beard is probably like many people's before they START.

On the other hand, if the first pass is done with a true mower, like a Schick injector, I prefer doing the XTG pass with a DE loaded with a VERY SHARP blade.
My feelings are that nothing matches an injector for a first pass, and nothing beats a DE for the final touchup pass. Can't tell you how many times I've used both in the same session.

Yes indeed, have done that often. Amazing how a DE blade feels like it isn't even loaded after using an SE (which an injector is).
I've noticed that SE shaves remove a fine layer of skin, so yes... the shave lasts longer.

I'm just kidding. I'll give it some more practice, but so far I'm a heretic on this thread.

No no, you may be on to something there!

Of necessity, a sharp SE will usually take off more epidermis than an equally sharp DE simply because it's a stiffer blade that scrapes the skin more. So, digging a bit deeper into the skin, the SE takes off that much more hair. Not much of a difference if measured, true - negligible - but it could well explain the six or so hours of additional smoothness I always feel after a BBS SE.
My subjective impression is that my very best DE shaves have been as good as a typical injector or SE shave, but took more passes to accomplish. Too many variables to be sure of anything, and somebody could always say that I need to try a different DE razor, or work on my DE technique. They could be right, too.

I've had the impression that my SE shaves last longer, too, but I wouldn't care to generalize too much from my personal experience.

Never gone from one type of razor to another during a shave that I recall, although I have changed blades, or changed the setting on an adjustable.
Yes! My injector shaves feel smoother much longer. I have started using only injectors recently because of this...


For Injectors, the answer is yes for me for sure. Several hours longer.

Closer shave I guess.
I certainly agree that SE BBS shaves last longer than DE BBS shaves. I also find that BBS shaves with vintage DE blades last longer than BBS shaves with modern DE blades. I have no idea why but they do.
Im really loving SE shaves along with straight shaves :thumbup1:


as far as SE shaving goes.

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