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Question for pipe smokers.

I had just recently acquired a new Peterson pipe as a gift. Any one here recommend a good aromatic blend to break the pipe in with? Also anyone know of any good tobaccos I can purchase during my 2 week stay in France this summer?

i think most european union countrys carry "clan", but not american ones, clan is really good aromatic style,

i think your best bet would be to bring what tobacco you like allready, and then just try out tobacco there,
when i was in europe, they had this fantastic rolling tobacco old holbourn aromatic (yellow package). this stuff was phenomenal. I've quite smoking for health reasons primarily, but also because it was getting to expensive, and i couldn't get my hands on any decent rolling tobbacco.

Don't crucify me here, but i did see at least one older guy smoking it in a pipe when i was nafplio at a cafe in naflpio, but i think they also cut it a lil coarser and sell it for pipes. No clue, point is this is one of the smoothest, full flavoured tobaccos i've ever had.
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