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Question: difference btw two similar models

Apart from slight differences in handle designs, what's the main difference(s) between the gold Aristocrat SS and the gold non-adjustable Executive SS? Thanks!
One is a gold Slim Adjustable and one is a gold Fatboy. The head profile will be different between the two and the weight of the two might be different.
Thanks, I was thinking about the non-adjustable SS versions. I had an Aristocrat and have seen an Executive...the only diff I can tell is that the Aristocrat has two semi-smooth areas on the handle, where the Exec has the same "tread" pattern the whole length. Wondered if the heads were different, and if they were marketed differently. And both, near as I can tell, have handles that resemble the Fatboy's in heft.
Do you mean the Diplomat? It has the knurling all the way up the handle. The Diplomat may have had a better finish. Aside from that, I think they are nearly identical.
You are correct, it's the Diplomat I saw, not the Executive. Yes, they appear almost identical otherwise. Thanks!!!
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