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Question abuot rust removal.

I know sanding is one route to take but is there any reason why you can't use Naval Jelly on a blade? I know it's pretty strong stuff and essentially dissolves rust. But I don't think I've ever heard anyone talk about it being used on here, is there a reason why?
Never used it myself, but I have read to not leave on the razor too long.
If you decide to give it a go take pictures of the process so we can get an idea of how well it works.
Even if it removes rust without damaging the blade (not sure if it will or won't - unfamiliar with the stuff) it wont do anything about the pits that the rust has caused
The only problem, that I know of, with "Naval Jelly" type rust removers is that they contain phosphoric acid. The result is a slight etch that will often turn the blade to a dull grey color. There are also similar auto products available that are more highly concentrated and need ventilation.
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