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Question about Weber

So I just picked up a polished head Weber with Bulldog handle off the BST. (Thank you grump!) It is a very high quality razor. Anyway I got my first shave in and after I rinsed it off, I did what I normally do and hung it up on my razor stand. The next day I went back and there was rust stains on both the blade (I use Personna Lab Blue's exclusively) and the razor head. The razor head is still stained by rust, which I don't get because it's "stainless," steel. So my question is this - do I have to dry off the razor and blade after each use? I've never done so with any of my other razors (all plated) and I've been ok so far. Let me know what you think and thanks for reading!!!
Hello Nick.

Sorry, but I don't have an answer for you. I have several Webers, occasionally use Blu Labs and have never had a rust stain...at all. I shave, rinse in hot running water and put the razor in the drawer. NEVER do I take it apart to dry it.

Hopefully someone comes along that can add real value to your dilemma.
So I just picked up a polished head Weber with Bulldog handle off the BST. (Thank you grump!) It is a very high quality razor. Anyway I got my first shave in and after I rinsed it off, I did what I normally do and hung it up on my razor stand. The next day I went back and there was rust stains on both the blade (I use Personna Lab Blue's exclusively) and the razor head. The razor head is still stained by rust, which I don't get because it's "stainless," steel. So my question is this - do I have to dry off the razor and blade after each use? I've never done so with any of my other razors (all plated) and I've been ok so far. Let me know what you think and thanks for reading!!!

I never ever leave a blade in any of my DE or SE razors. I am a very proud owner of a Weber DLC, ARC, and PH and have no issues. Here is what I always do after each shave in all my razors and blades: cold water rinse, shake it off, and spray alcohol and let air dry.

Again... this is just me but I would never ever leave a blade in a razor. Hope this helps and keep us posted. I hope my other Weber brothers can chime in.

Hey Nick, just wanted to chime in and say that I had no issues but I do rinse and dry my razors off before putting them away.

Just curious, do you have soft water. I have always been curious if the salt content may have something to do with it. I do not know, just tossing that out there.
No I do not have hard water! That seems to cause me quite a bit of problems when it comes to wet shaving. I emailed Weber and they said it was rust transferring from the blade. But Lab Blue's are also stainless steel!!! Who knows I guess I will have to start removing the blades from my razors after the shave.
Stainless is a misnomer.

It is an alloy of carbon steel (the stuff that rusts instantly), chromium, and vanadium.

It will resist tarnishing but it is still raw steel.

A plated razor is much more resistant to rust than a straight steel razor (no matter what alloy it is made of)

It does not take that much time to dry off your razor, pat the blade dry and if you feel you need to put them back together at least they will be dry.

I have never left a blade in a razor in 50 years of shaving. I was taught to try my tools after using them and store the razor and blade separate. It's always worked well for me so this is what I still do (except with injector razors as the blade does not come out except when being changed and replaced with a new blade)

I used my Weber tonight. The razor is sitting in a stand waiting to dry overnight before being put away and the blade is on a paper at the side of the sink

Grab a small can of neverdull and give the rusty spot a firm wipe that should clear it up with little effort.
I had rust transfer from the blade once, however, not on my Weber. I do keep the blade in the razor, but after I rinse it off (post shave), I dip the head in a small bowl of rubbing alcohol for a minute to kill bacteria and it also makes the water dry faster as well.
I had rust transfer from the blade once, however, not on my Weber. I do keep the blade in the razor, but after I rinse it off (post shave), I dip the head in a small bowl of rubbing alcohol for a minute to kill bacteria and it also makes the water dry faster as well.
+1 I do this for all my razors - the alcohol displaces the water = no rust!

i had the same issue. It is the rust from the blade staining the head. I started the alcohol dip and I haven't had any rust since. I only dip it for a couple of seconds. It happened to my Weber PH too but the stain came off.
Happens with my Weber Polished and Above the Tie razors, if I don't treat with alcohol. Swishing in a small container of alcohol would be cheaper, but I've been just pouring some over the head of the razor, after loosening the handle a bit. Works great, just pours away alcohol (rather than get several re-uses out of it). I use 91% alcohol for this purpose. (Originally bought for carbon-steel straights).
I used the Weber today and tried the alcohol method and it worked perfectly - no rust - thanks gents!!!
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