Can anyone help me out? I really have an issue, as hard as I try I can't figure out what to do with the extra
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It's a custom scent cocoa and coffee. I've been debating on whether I should attempt to get a group buy together since I've grown very fond of it. I'm just loading for about 45 seconds with my Eagle G2 and have wonderful results
... I'm just loading for about 45 seconds with my Eagle G2 and have wonderful results
I really have an issue, as hard as I try I can't figure out what to do with the extra
That's one of the most impressive lather pictures I've ever seen.
Just curious ... have you used that same brush on other quality soaps, or have you used a different brush on the QCS? Just wondering how much is the soap, and how much is the brush - and of course givign credit were credit is due, a whole lot of it is due to the expert hands doing the loading and mixing. Very nice.