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Push for excahnge or no?

A bit over a week ago I ordered 50 NeW Hi-Stainless feathers from a reputable vendor on the bay.

Today I received the package only it was not exactly what I ordered, it included 2 ten packs of the New Hi-Stainless yellow pack feathers, but the other blades were the black diamond old stock feathers along with a pack of bluebirds and a note apologizing that the yellow&black packs weren't in stock at the moment and that they subbed the black packs plus an extra pack of 5 bluebirds (55 total blades).

I had specifically chosen this vendor because I wanted new stock feathers, but I admit I've never tried the black packs or bluebirds and am not sure what I want to do. I did not receive any contact from the vendor asking about the possible substitution, just the package + note in the mail today.

I have emailed the vendor advising same and asking whether a refund or exchange is possible, but the hassle of doing that and having extra shipping isn't a great thought either.

What are your thoughts o'lurkers of B&B?
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A bit over a week ago I ordered 50 NeW Hi-Stainless feathers from a reputable vendor on the bay.

Today I received the package only it was not exactly what I ordered, it included 2 ten packs of the New Hi-Stainless yellow pack feathers, but the other blades were the black diamond old stock feathers along with a pack of bluebirds and a note apologizing that the yellow&black packs weren't in stock at the moment and that they subbed the black packs plus an extra pack of 5 bluebirds (55 total blades).

I had specifically chosen this vendor because I wanted new stock feathers, but I admit I've never tried the black packs or bluebirds and am not sure what I want to do. I did not receive any contact from the vendor asking about the possible substitution, just the package + note in the mail today.

I have emailed the vendor advising same and asking whether a refund or exchange is possible, but the hassle of doing that and having extra shipping isn't a great thought either.

What are your thoughts o'lurkers of B&B?

Where did you get them and how did you pay? It seems to me they acknowledged the substituted (e.g. the note)... so I would say you have a right to get a refund for it if its not what you ordered. Contact the vendor, but you can also contact PayPal/CC etc.
Understood, just am wondering if I should even bother. To all those who've used the black-pack feathers, should I even care?

This was purchased through Ebay and paid using PayPal, I know that means I have recourse if needed, just don't know whether it's worth the hassle if it comes to that. Of course I'm contacting the vendor first.
Sounds like the seller made a very nice gesture by giving you an extra pack, even if a substitution was involved.

Is your glass half full or half empty?

IMHO it's half full, but I'll leave that to you to decide...
I would ask for a refund. You didn't get what you ordered. They should pay shipping seeing they didn't check with you first.
I would ask for a refund. You didn't get what you ordered. They should pay shipping seeing they didn't check with you first.

This was my kneejerk reaction also, giving that going into this I knew about the different types of feathers and specifically wanted & paid for the new stock ones. After giving it some thought, I decided check around here since I really have no experience with the black box ones.

I'd hate to be a hassle for the seller, but I also didn't get any chance to veto this. The bluebirds are a nice gesture, but it's 5 extra blades vs. 30 that were not as advertised and subbed without warning.
Make contact with the vendor and take it one step at a time.. The vendor may even offer to send you the new stock ones when they get them in at no charge.
Ya know, if they didn't warn you they were going to substitute blades, it makes me wonder if that wasn't their plan all along. But I'd probably use it as an opportunity to see what the older blades were like, as well as the Bluebirds.

I can't remember the packaging for the old Feathers, but if the cover is black with a gray triangle and say Hi Stainless, then those are newer than the yellows. Or so I've read here.

Even if you decide to keep the blades, I think you're doing the right thing by contacting them and letting them know how you feel as you should have been given the opportunity to approve the "switch". Ebay vendors are very motivated to provide satisfaction given the prospect of neutral or negative feedback which can kill their business.
...and you do mention the vendor is reputable which suggests no ill will involved. Sounds like they *thought* they were doing the right thing.
They are the same blades. Let it go. Companies change the look of packaging all the time and it does not affect the product.
...and you do mention the vendor is reputable which suggests no ill will involved. Sounds like they *thought* they were doing the right thing.

Yes, that is correct. I know people here have done business with this seller with feather purchases and all reviews that I've seen were positive. I was surprised there were no emails to discuss the change, seems like the obvious thing to do.

They are the same blades. Let it go. Companies change the look of packaging all the time and it does not affect the product.

They are not the same blades. The Feather's in black box with a gray triangle are old stock no longer in production, and they not platinum coated. This is confirmed by the wiki here at B&B, as well as two other shave forums I've checked. From the wiki here:

There are three known types of Feather DE razor blades.

Hi-Stainless These are the older blades that came in the black and gray package. They are not platinum coated and are no longer produced.

NeW Platinum Hi-Stainless
These are platinum coated blades that were produced along with the non-platinum blades back in the 80's. They have "Platinum Coated Blade" and "NeW HI-STAINLESS" printed on the blade. They do not have the Feather logo or "TRADE MARK" printed on them. They were discontinued along with the non-platinum blades in 1988.

Platinum Hi-Stainless
These are the current production platinum coated blades in the new yellow & red package BUT with the old style printing on the blade. They also have a new triple bevel edge.
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I actually had a friend of mine in Japan ask the feathers company about the two packagings as the black can be had cheaper on the bay it seems. The response was they are the same blades. I have now tried both and couldn't tell the difference.

I also encourage you to try the bluebirds...quite nice very smooth actually I get less weapers with them than the feathers?!
I actually had a friend of mine in Japan ask the feathers company about the two packagings as the black can be had cheaper on the bay it seems. The response was they are the same blades. I have now tried both and couldn't tell the difference.

I also encourage you to try the bluebirds...quite nice very smooth actually I get less weapers with them than the feathers?!

Thanks for the reply, and to everyone else as well. That is what I'm considering, but I'm not 100% either way yet. Part of it is the principal of the situation, it's not the same product but I also do not believe there was any ill intent here - I can't stress that enough - just was a little surprised I wasn't contacted first and it isn't what I ordered.
I'd hate to be a hassle for the seller, but I also didn't get any chance to veto this. The bluebirds are a nice gesture, but it's 5 extra blades vs. 30 that were not as advertised and subbed without warning.

I wouldn't worry about being a hassle for the merchant. They could have easily contacted you, explained the situation, and offered you the chance to accept their substitution or cancel the transaction. They didn't. They made the decision for you. To my mind, that isn't appropriate.

You need to make the decision that is best for you. If you want the blades advertised, request a refund and go elsewhere. If you're ambivalent... well... then it really doesn't matter much what you do.
For some reason, I also thought the black and yellow packs were the same. I have some of both but haven't tried them. Although it doesn't say Platinum Coated on the individual packs, it is stated on the outer carton and on the dridiot ebay site.

Edit: Just checked my Feathers. Looks like the Black packs contain 5 blades and the yellow packs 10.
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It may or may not be the same blade. I've used both, and both provide great shaves. However, I also know the black boxed ones are a good bit less expensive than the yellow boxed ones. The price discrepancy is near universal on the two packagings of feather blades. Regardless of supposed 'good will' from the seller tossing in a pack of Bluebirds (whether or not they're good shavers, this fact remains: they are incredibly inexpensive blades; the seller didn't even make the 'bonus' blades of the same quality/cost of the black feathers and chances are s/he still came out ahead -$ wise- in sending 50 black box and 5 inexpensive blades as a 'bonus').

Just my thoughts.
They are the same blades. Let it go. Companies change the look of packaging all the time and it does not affect the product.


It is my understanding they are the exact same blades as well. Major difference being one package contains 5 blades, and the other 10 blades.

They are not the same blades. The Feather's in black box with a gray triangle are old stock no longer in production, and they not platinum coated. This is confirmed by the wiki here at B&B, as well as two other shave forums I've checked. From the wiki here:

There are three known types of Feather DE razor blades.

Hi-Stainless These are the older blades that came in the black and gray package. They are not platinum coated and are no longer produced.

NeW Platinum Hi-Stainless
These are platinum coated blades that were produced along with the non-platinum blades back in the 80's. They have "Platinum Coated Blade" and "NeW HI-STAINLESS" printed on the blade. They do not have the Feather logo or "TRADE MARK" printed on them. They were discontinued along with the non-platinum blades in 1988.

Platinum Hi-Stainless
These are the current production platinum coated blades in the new yellow & red package BUT with the old style printing on the blade. They also have a new triple bevel edge.

I am not sure I buy that is entirely accurate. There seems to be a huge stock of the Black, and Grey package Feathers available for being discontinued all the way back in 1988!! They were discontinued over 20 years ago, but are still widely available. That doesn't jive correctly in my mind.
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