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Purchase ideas in Turkey

I know someone that is going to Turkey shortly and need to compile a list of items - in particular blades. How easy is it to come by perma-sharp (Russian cardboard tuck type) and any other ideas such as arko cream/soap sticks?

i have no idea on availability but i know you can get Rapiras, Bolinoz, and perma-sharps for a steal! along with others, and arko GALORE!
Thanks so far. I may have to provide a second suitcase and fee for increased luggage at this rate :001_smile
And make sure you have a nice Turkish shave! Hot towels, probably Arko, large sinks, have the hair in your ear burnt away, get a nice haircut, drink some tea! And after that, you know why the DIY-stuff is so cheap.
Cheers for that. Must ask them to get a proper shave whilst there! :thumbup:

Interesting that Bolzano blades are there - heard good things about them. Perma-sharps, Bolzano blades on the list but I know there are Turkey perma-sharps which aren't as good as the Russian ones and don't want to end up with 100's of the wrong type! :blink:

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
...and pe-re-ja limon kolonyasi [lemon cologne], a wonderful aftershave
...and you can also order it too when you run out at home. :thumbsup:

Read More: http://shaveabuck.com/lemon-cologne...e-p-625.html?zenid=56sr0smrgub3qedldgt59bfcc5

"Hard work is the [lemon] aftershave of accomplishment". Author Unknown
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