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Pulled Beef.mayhaps a Texas Thang

Wandering about the local market, cruising the meat counter, I see a nice looking "beef shoulder" (a.k.a. chuck), about 10-11 lbs or so.

As I stand there fondling the damn thing I begin to wonder why I have never tried to do one of these on the smoker a'la Pork Shoulder style.

Anyone out there ever given this adventure a shout???
You live in the deep South and want to BBQ with beef? What is this? :lol:

All in good fun. Chuck is such a versatile cut of meat. I have only had pulled beef that was made in a slow cooker, but I am sure a grill would work too.
Also a good way to make shredded beef tacos! Use taco seasoning and lots of salt in your rub, shred after cooking and add more seasoning to taste.
Seems like a good way to consume some beef. With freezers full of beef, i need to be more creative. I will take a roast and cook it like i would for pulled pork. I will even mix up some beer and bbq sauce....yea thats the ticket.
Made this yesterday. Cooked the shredded meat all day in the crockpot. Drained off most of the water, Added about 1/4can of beer and a bottle of BBQ sauce. Then rinsed the bottle with some more beer. Stirred it and let it warm back up in the crockpot about an hour later, it was ready. I had 4 servings, each with a 1 inch layer of meat (and onions) on a slice of bread. 30 minutes later I was in a food coma nirvana.
Chuckies make for some great pulled beef. It's my favorite "smoked beef" even more than brisket. I've done quite a few of them with just salt, pepper and garlic.
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