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PS3 questions

I am not a 'gamer' by any stretch of the imagination - the last video game console I owned was an Intellivision II with Intellivoice:

(cue shaky 80s computer voice) "B-seventeeeeen boooomber...bandits 3 o'clock!"

I am however pretty set on buying myself the PS3 slim for the following reasons:

1) My DVD player gave up the ghost after my daughter stuffed about 32 business cards in through the front opening. "Honey how many times have I told you that Yuki's Escor...uh, I mean Carpet Cleaning Service is not a movie?"

2) Something magical happened inside my long johns whilst watching a preview for a game called Gran Turismo 5 and hence I must own it.

I have since done a bit of research on the net but the information seems a bit sketchy. I understand that BlueRay discs are region-free (which is good) but do the actual games themselves have a region code as well? And how about playing regular DVDs? I live in Japan and have a DVD collection of about 50% Japanese-bought DVDs and 50% North American DVDs...this have never been a problem as previously-mentioned destroyed DVD player was region-free. My wife says I can have a PS3 if it will play all our regular DVDs...somebody tell me it will. Please?

The fact that I've even got her thinking about us getting a PS3 is amazing in itself (and a testament to my marketing skills really). I've explained it thusly: "Honey there's this really cool little DVD player that doesn't use much power and is made in Japan (what a unique feature you say!) and will play those new BlueRay thingys...all the better to watch those musicals and love stories you cherish so. Oh, and it also has this useless little add-on feature which allows it to play video games...I think. Not that I'd ever use it." :tongue_sm

The hook has been set... but will I be able to reel her in?
GT5 on the PS3 is unbelievable - if you are a fan of racing games, GT5 and Wipeout HD are two must have games, while Burnout Paradise and Dirt2 are other standout games. Both GT5 and WHD also run on full HD so if you've got a full HD TV, these are two games which serve out the eye candy in large doses.

Regarding the region protection, all the PS3 games on Blu-Ray are region free, but Blu-Ray and DVD movies are region protected - the Blu-Ray movie discs themselves are not region free. However, you are in luck with regards to region codes for Blu-Ray movies since North America and Japan use the same region code, but my guess is that your Japanese DVDs will not work.
Okay, this is what I've come up with. IT is basically region free. Especially between Japan and the states. It looks like the only glitch is with European discs. If you have a Hi-Def Telly, this won't be an issue either. Hopefully, someone else knows more. That is what I came up with in a quick search.
GT5 on the PS3 is unbelievable - if you are a fan of racing games, GT5 and Wipeout HD are two must have games, while Burnout Paradise and Dirt2 are other standout games. Both GT5 and WHD also run on full HD so if you've got a full HD TV, these are two games which serve out the eye candy in large doses.

Regarding the region protection, all the PS3 games on Blu-Ray are region free, but Blu-Ray and DVD movies are region protected - the Blu-Ray movie discs themselves are not region free. However, you are in luck with regards to region codes for Blu-Ray movies since North America and Japan use the same region code, but my guess is that your Japanese DVDs will not work.

Okay, this is what I've come up with. IT is basically region free. Especially between Japan and the states. It looks like the only glitch is with European discs. If you have a Hi-Def Telly, this won't be an issue either. Hopefully, someone else knows more. That is what I came up with in a quick search.

I am liking what you two fellows have to say, and your efforts shall not go unrewarded:

Being a PS3 owner (well, it's my son's really), whenever I get the chance to use it when he's not out there killing people in some kind of war game, it is very cool.

The Gran Tourismo games almost require some kind of third party racing wheel, however. I've found it nearly impossible to play with just the controller.

For movies, the basic PS3 controller isn't nearly as easy to use for starting and moving through screens and scenes as a dedicated DVD remote control. I haven't tried BluRay with it, but it does play regular DVDs just fine.

Keep in mind that most PS3 models aren't backward compatible with PS2 games.

Also, if you're getting a regular model, don't waste money on one with a large hard disk. You can easily replace a small PS3 hard disk with any 2.5" notebook hard disk. I replaced the original 40gig HD with a much faster 320gig HD. It took less than ten minutes. If you do this, you MUST backup all of your saved game data first. However, what's nice is that the PS3 will automatically reformat your new HD with the PS3 system files, so you don't have to back that up. It's very easy to do.

Jeff in Boston
Being a PS3 owner (well, it's my son's really), whenever I get the chance to use it when he's not out there killing people in some kind of war game, it is very cool.

The Gran Tourismo games almost require some kind of third party racing wheel, however. I've found it nearly impossible to play with just the controller.

For movies, the basic PS3 controller isn't nearly as easy to use for starting and moving through screens and scenes as a dedicated DVD remote control. I haven't tried BluRay with it, but it does play regular DVDs just fine.

Keep in mind that most PS3 models aren't backward compatible with PS2.

Also, if you're getting a regular model, don't waste money on one with a large hard disk. You can easily replace a small PS3 hard disk with any 2.5" notebook hard disk. I replaced the original 40gig HD with a much faster 320gig HD. It took less than ten minutes. If you do this, you MUST backup all of your saved game data first. However, what's nice is that the PS3 will automatically reformat your new HD with the PS3 system files, so you don't have to back that up. It's very easy to do.

Jeff in Boston

More useful information. My sister thanks you:


P.S.- your avatar kicks butt.
I've owned a PS3 for 8 months. It's not the slim version but the, err, fat version. Things to note, some details applies to my version, so you may have to check out the slim version physically.

1. You need HDTV. I went for a 1080p but found out later that other than Blu-ray, not much else can fully use all the pixels. But i never regretted the buy.

2. You'll want a AV decoder/receiver for all the fancy sound effects. In Japan you say, Onkyo makes very good AV stuff.

3. Go and listen to the PS3 while its reading a disc and playing movie. The fat version is reasonably quiet. Not sure about the slim one. If its anything like the PS2, then the slim one should be noiser due to higher fan veolcity.

4. Invest in the bluetooth dvd-remote. It makes blu-ray/dvd operations much easier. You can connect USB keyboard to the PS3; it makes typing way easier.

5. Keep your credit card outta reach while you switch on your PS3. Buying games is as easy as keying the CC number into the tv screen. (Ps3 can be connected to broadband)

6. Beware of firmware upgrades. You cannot roll-back unless you reset everything. One recent upgrades cause some of my games to be unstable (freezing). So if your firmware is stable and there is no need to upgrade, then leave it.

7. Stand-alone blu-ray player are coming down in prices. Now the stand-alone and ps3 are still comparable (thus more excuse to get the ps3). So get it while it's more justifiable. Lol

Ps: I'm waiting for the GT5 too.
I've owned a PS3 for 8 months. It's not the slim version but the, err, fat version. Things to note, some details applies to my version, so you may have to check out the slim version physically.

1. You need HDTV. I went for a 1080p but found out later that other than Blu-ray, not much else can fully use all the pixels. But i never regretted the buy.

2. You'll want a AV decoder/receiver for all the fancy sound effects. In Japan you say, Onkyo makes very good AV stuff.

You want, but don't need. I'm using our PS3 with a five year old 26" regular old TV, hooked up via component (RGB). While the picture for both games and DVD may not use the PS3 to its full potential, it works just fine as is.

Jeff in Boston
You want, but don't need. I'm using our PS3 with a five year old 26" regular old TV, hooked up via component (RGB). While the picture for both games and DVD may not use the PS3 to its full potential, it works just fine as is.

Jeff in Boston

Hmmm, forgive me. You may be right about regular DVD but why go blu-ray if you are not using HDTV? I can assure you that the difference is significant. Try to ask the local electronic store to demo the difference. There is really no point to shell out extra cash for blu-ray if the tv is standard definition only.
I've owned a PS3 for 8 months. It's not the slim version but the, err, fat version. Things to note, some details applies to my version, so you may have to check out the slim version physically.

1. You need HDTV. I went for a 1080p but found out later that other than Blu-ray, not much else can fully use all the pixels. But i never regretted the buy.

2. You'll want a AV decoder/receiver for all the fancy sound effects. In Japan you say, Onkyo makes very good AV stuff.

3. Go and listen to the PS3 while its reading a disc and playing movie. The fat version is reasonably quiet. Not sure about the slim one. If its anything like the PS2, then the slim one should be noiser due to higher fan veolcity.

4. Invest in the bluetooth dvd-remote. It makes blu-ray/dvd operations much easier. You can connect USB keyboard to the PS3; it makes typing way easier.

5. Keep your credit card outta reach while you switch on your PS3. Buying games is as easy as keying the CC number into the tv screen. (Ps3 can be connected to broadband)

6. Beware of firmware upgrades. You cannot roll-back unless you reset everything. One recent upgrades cause some of my games to be unstable (freezing). So if your firmware is stable and there is no need to upgrade, then leave it.

7. Stand-alone blu-ray player are coming down in prices. Now the stand-alone and ps3 are still comparable (thus more excuse to get the ps3). So get it while it's more justifiable. Lol

Ps: I'm waiting for the GT5 too.

1. Lots of games, including the aforementioned GT5, Wipeout HD as well as other standout games such as Metal Gear Solid 4 and Uncharted 2 use every single pixel at full HD. While these look stunning at full HD, the PS3 downscales very well to as low as 480i. In fact, most of the Blu Rays are letterboxed, so they do not use all pixels even though they are full HD :)

3. The PS3 slim runs quieter and cooler than previous models due to its 45 nm Cell

5. Damn, those credit cards are evil!

6. As you mentioned, you cannot roll back firmware (EVEN if you reset everything), but if you play online, remember that the system will not let you go online (even to the store) if you choose not to update your firmware for mandatory updates (not all of them are). However, I have always updated and had never had a problem for more than 2 years - Sony has officially only had trouble with its 2.40 update. Also some newer games will require newer system software, so if you choose not to upgrade ever, at some point of time your new games will not play.
6. As you mentioned, you cannot roll back firmware (EVEN if you reset everything), but if you play online, remember that the system will not let you go online (even to the store) if you choose not to update your firmware for mandatory updates (not all of them are).

Good point. Tip on this: If your Internet craps out on you a lot (as mine does) right in the middle of a firmware download (which happens a lot with me) or takes forever (which if always does with me), you can download the firmware upgrades directly to a USB thumbdrive and then upload it directly to the PS3 using the USB slot. This can save a lot of time and aggravation.

Also, if you're downloading this stuff through the Internet using a cable attached to a router and you're having problems, bypass the router itself and run the cable directly from your cable modem to the PS3.

Now, will you give me ANOTHER one of your sisters for this sage advice?:w00t:

Jeff in Boston
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